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Generation of stable transgenic zebrafish

Generation of stable transgenic zebrafish

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New immunomodulatory glycolipids

New tiourea- and urea-based glycolipids with immunomodulatory activity. The compounds are Mincle agonist and have shown in vitro and in vivo immunostimulant activity. They can be used as vacine adjuvants, in the modulation of the immune response and in the treatment of infectious disease or cancer.

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PCR-less technologies for rapid detection of respiratory viruses

Novel DNA probes useful for the rapid detection of SARS-CoV2, influenza and respiratory syncytial viral RNAs. Integrated in different set of devices, these probes enable the detection of RNA sequences in few minutes, without the need for RNA extraction, purification and PCR amplification

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Directional amplifier for quantum computer

The amplifier consists in a novel array of Josephson junctions and other superconducting elements that give rise to parametric amplification of microwave radiation with all desired properties for quantum computation: large gain, directional, broadband, near quantum-limited noise, tolerant to fabrication disorder and stable.