The CSIC Ethics Committee is a collegiate support body of the Presidency and the Governing Board, with an advisory and permanent role.
As of the 16th September 2013, the CSIC Ethics Committee was formally recognized as an authorised body to assess projects that involve animal testing.

The CSIC Ethics Committee undertakes the functions entrusted to it pursuant to Article 17 of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), i.e., ponder on issues, draw up reports and make recommendations on ethical and deontological principles related to research activity. Likewise, in undertaking its role in evaluating the ethical aspects of research carried out at the CSIC, the Ethics Committee performs the vital task of monitoring and controlling the guarantees demanded by the exercise of scientific research.
The CSIC Ethics Committee is a heterogeneous and interdisciplinary team. Members, come from diverse backgrounds, some of them are independent of the CSIC, representing a wide range of academic backgrounds (medicine, philosophy, biology, chemistry, physics, natural resources…).
Francisco José Ausín Díez
Tenured Scientist
Instituto de Filosofía (IFS)
Carme Torras Genís
Research Professor
Instituto de Robótica e Informática Industrial (IRII)
Laura Barrios Álvarez
Senior Corps of Information Systems and Technologies of the National Government. CSIC Deputy Secretary General's Office for Information Technology
Carmen Ayuso García
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria y Subdirectora de Investigación
Fundación Jiménez Díaz (FJD)
María José Camarasa Rius
Research Professor
Instituto de Química Médica (IQM)
José Vicente García Ramos
Research Professor
Instituto de Estructura de la Materia (IEM)
Rodolfo Gutiérrez Palacios
University Professor
Universidad de Oviedo (UNIOVI)
José Javier Lucas Lozano
Research Professor CSIC
Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CBM)
Ananda Pascual Ascaso
Tenured Scientist
Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados
Yolanda Sanz Herranz
Research Profesor
Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (IATA)
Manuel Villoria Mendieta
University Professor
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Mª Luisa Salas García
Higher Technical Graduate, Expert in Public Research Organisms
Director of the CSIC Research Ethics Department
Structure - Bioethics Subcommittee and Conflicts Subcommittee
The CSIC Ethics Committee comprises two subcommittees to undertake the specific functions encompassed within its mission: the Bioethics Subcommittee and the Conflicts Subcommittee.
The Bioethics Subcommittee reviews the suitability of the practises and procedures employed in the undertaking of research activity within the field of the Life Sciences.
The Conflicts Subcommittee deals with the conflicts reported by CSIC staff in the course of scientific activity, as well as non-compliance with good practises.
The CSIC Ethics Committee has established a Procedure to address conflicts.
Research Ethics Department
The Research Ethics Department, ascribed to the CSIC Presidency, and created by Resolution on the 9th April 2015 by said Presidency, is the technical and legal support body of the CSIC Ethics Committee.
The volume of management tasks related to ethical evaluation has steadily increased leading to the creation of a new specialised organizational structure. This is due to growing regulatory demands in the field of ethics, bioethics and biosecurity as well as similar requirements imposed by different entities publishing calls to fund R&D projects. In addition to this, as a collegiate body, the Ethics Committee is also responsible for the assessment of projects that involve animal testing.
In addition to the aforementioned primary supportive function of the CSIC Ethics Committee, the Department of Research Ethics contributes to the consolidation of ethics as a fundamental element of institutional culture. This role is achieved through its participation in the design, implementation, dissemination and application of tools and protocols aimed at strengthening integrity and good practices at the Institution.
CSIC's Ethics Committee / Research Ethics Department
Address: Calle de Serrano Nº 117, 28006 Madrid. Basement floor.
Location: planta sótano, despachos 1115-A, 1115-B y 1116
Events and training
El Consejo Rector del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), máximo órgano de gobierno con competencia en materia de ordenación general y planificación de la actividad investigadora…
Rosa Menéndez, presidenta del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), asiste a la reunión del Consejo Rector del CSIC que se celebra este miércoles 27 de enero.