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Open Science

The scientific information system supports the dissemination and preservation of science produced by the Spanish National Research Council, which is the most important producer of scientific information in Spain, and provides its researchers with access to a large base of quality scientific information, a basic requirement for the development of excellent science.

The CSIC Libraries and Archives Network is the horizontal system in charge of guaranteeing access to scientific information resources and services supporting the whole research process. It deals with organizing, preserving and putting in value the rich bibliographic and archival heritage of the institution for the benefit of society as a whole.

The Digital.CSIC repository is the Open Access platform for the dissemination and preservation of its scientific production, constituting one of the key pillars of the institution for the promotion of the Open Science as a contribution to a global system of scholarly communication more open, transparent, collaborative and sustainable pursuing a greater impact of research results in order to address the major challenges of today's society.

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