ESFRI is the strategic forum formed by the EU Member States and the European Commission, which was established in 2002 at the request of the European Council, with the aim of coordinating a common strategy on scientific facilities and research infrastructures and, in particular, , develop a Pan-European Infrastructure Roadmap. The CSIC participates actively in different scientific facilities included in the Roadmap.
CSIC currently participates in the following European Pan structures.

KM3NeT 2.0 (KM3 Neutrino Telescope 2.0)
KM3NeT is a research infrastructure that houses next generation neutrino telescopes. These telescopes will have detector volumes between megatons and several cubic kilometres of seawater. Located in the deepest seas of the Mediterranean, KM3NeT opens a new window in our Universe, but also contributes to research into the properties of elusive neutrino particles. With the ARCA telescope, the KM3NeT scientific community is looking for neutrinos from distant astrophysical sources such as supernovae, gamma rays or colliding stars. On the other hand, the ORCA telescope is the tool for KM3NeT scientists who study the properties of neutrinos that exploit neutrinos generated in the Earth’s atmosphere. A deployment of thousands of optical sensors detects dim light in the depths of the sea from charged particles that originate from collisions of neutrinos and Earth. In addition, the facility also has instrumentation to carry out long-term on-line monitoring of the seabed environment at a depth of several kilometres..
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2016
- Preparation phase: 2008-2014
- Implementation/Construction phase: 2016-2020
- Start of operation: 2020
EST (European Solar Telescope)
The European Solar Telescope (EST) is a project led by Spain, under the coordination of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), and in which the Instituto de Astronomía de Andalucía (CSIC) participates, for the construction and operation of a 4 m telescope dedicated to studying the fundamental processes in the Sun that control the solar atmosphere and its activity, and the physical conditions in the heliosphere. In this regard, one of its objectives of this initiative, in which more than 30 institutions from 18 countries participate, is to address the unresolved question about the emergence of magnetic fields on the solar surface and the transfer of magnetic and kinetic energy from the subsurface layers to the solar atmosphere.
EST, is an initiative of European solar physics that not only represents a great scientific infrastructure for the Spanish solar physics community, but also an important engine of development with which to boost the Spanish economy, fostering business growth, at a national and regional level, around technological activities of high added value.
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2016
- Design phase: 2008-2011
- Preparation phase: 2016-2021
- Implementation/Construction phase: 2021-2027
- Start of operation: 2029
SKA (Square Kilometre Array)
SKA is an international project that makes up the most sensitive interferometric radio telescope (radio interferometer) in the world at wavelengths between three centimetres and three meters. It is a project of real global reach that, for the time being, involves more than 50 institutions from 19 countries.
SKA Organisation (SKAO), which became a legal entity in 2011, coordinates the design and policy formulation for SKA management. In 2012, SKAO members agreed on a dual location for the SKA telescope in the deserts of South Africa and Australia, while the hosting of its headquarters by the UK was decided in 2015.
Also, on 12 March 2019, the agreement to establish the SKA Observatory as an Intergovernmental Organisation (IGO) was signed in Rome.
Due to its special characteristics, SKA promotes the achievement of high-profile qualitative advances in virtually all areas of modern astronomy. In particular, it enables the understanding of the formation of planetary systems, allows the discovery of ultra-fast pulsars, the detection of very low frequency gravitational waves, and the clarification of the role of magnetism in the Universe. In addition, SKA is designed to facilitate the study of cold gas distribution in galaxies and will be a fundamental tool to observe how the Universe came out of the dark years, before the first galaxies began to form.
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2006
- Design phase: 2008-2012
- Preparation phase: 2012-2017
- Intermediate/transition phase: 2018-2019
- Implementation/construction phase: 2020-2027
- Start of operation: 2027
ILL 20/20 (Institut Max von Laue-Paul Langevin)
The Institut Max von Laue-Paul Langevin, was founded in January 1967 on the initiative of France and Germany, with whom the United Kingdom joined in 1973. Spain was the first country to join the ILL as Associate Scientific Member in 1987.
It is an international research centre at the forefront of neutron science and technology, to support researchers in various fields: pharmacy, biology, chemistry, environment, geology, information and transport technologies, archaeometry and cultural heritage, as well as industry and research in physics, both fundamental and applied.
The institute has the most intense source of neutrons in the world, dedicated entirely to fundamental research for civil uses, supplying them to a set of high-performance instruments that are constantly developed and updated. Continuous update programs aim to increase signal performance to noise, adapt instrumentation to the changing research environment and offer new innovative techniques. In addition, it houses another 40 high-tech instruments for molecular, atomic and nuclear study of the structure of matter.
The utilisation time of the reactor is determined by the contribution of the country where they work. In total, some 1,800 researchers from 45 countries use the neutron source for 800 experiments each year. Each year, it hosts more than 3000 visiting scientists from around the world who develop more than 900 experiments. More than 90 % of the experiments are carried out by researchers from institutes, research centres or universities in member countries. The CSIC, in cooperation with the CNRS of France, is responsible for the operation of a diffractometer for polycrystalline samples (instrument CRG-D1B).
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2006
- Preparation phase: 2007-2011
- Implementation/construction phase: 2011-2019
- Start of operation: 2020
HL-LHC (High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider)
The CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest and most energy-intensive particle collisioner in the world. LHC experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb) have produced a large number of prolific results, compiled in more than 2,000 peer-reviewed journal publications. This instrument was designed to collide hadron beams, more exactly of protons, up to 7 TeV of energy, its main purpose being to examine the validity and limits of the Standard Model, the theory that describes elementary particles and their interactions. Within the collider two beams of protons are accelerated in opposite directions to 99.99 % of the speed of light, and are made to collide with each other producing very high energies (although at subatomic scales) that would allow to simulate some events that occurred immediately after the Big Bang. While LHC is capable of producing up to 1 billion proton collisions every second, HL-LHC will increase this figure, known as ‘luminosity’, by a factor 5 or 7, allowing to accumulate 10 times more data. The greater the luminosity, the more data will be able to collect the experiments to facilitate the physical community to investigate infrequent physical phenomena and obtain much more precise measures of the known mechanisms, such as the Higgs boson, as well as being able to observe new strange phenomena that may occur. All this will promote the achievement of new discoveries and the study of the fundamental constituents of nature in an even deeper way.
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2016
- Preparation phase: 2014-2017
- Implementation/construction phase: 2017-2025
- Start of operation: 2026
FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research)
FAIR aims to provide the European and international scientific community with the possibility of developing state-of-the-art research in the field of the structure of matter linked by strong interaction, through the use of very intense beams of heavy ions (stable or exotic) and antiprotons. In October 2010, ten countries signed an international agreement to carry out the construction of the FAIR accelerator in Darmstadt, Germany.
These countries constitute the shareholders of FAIR GmbH, the legal entity established for the realisation of FAIR. In total, more than 50 countries are involved in the FAIR scientific program contributing to the construction and operation of FAIR detectors. Thus, FAIR experiments are organised into four major collaborations: APPA, CBM, NUSTAR and PANDA, comprising more than 2,500 people from the scientific community. This infrastructure is designed to develop research projects, both in the field of nuclear and hadronic physics and in various related areas, such as atomic physics, plasma physics, or the medical and technological applications of radiation. In this sense, FAIR is designed to contribute to answering questions as fundamental as what is the nature of the force that holds matter together at a subatomic level or what are the mechanisms of production of matter that acted during the first moments of the Universe and continue to do so today in the stars.
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2006
- Preparation phase: 2005-2010
- Implementation/construction phase: 2012-2025
- Start of operation: 2025
ESRF EBS (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Extremely Brilliant Source)
The ESRF European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, headquartered in Grenoble, France, is the world’s leading source of synchrotron X-rays. The ESRF currently has 55 operational light lines available to the international scientific community. More than 7,000 scientists visit annually the facilities to carry out AROUND 2,000 experiments, of which numerous publications (approximately 2,000/year) in prestigious scientific journals result. Spain is a founding partner with a 4 % stake in the company’s capital and CSIC was responsible for the construction, and currently for the operation and improvement, of line BM25, dedicated to experiments in hard condensed matter. The new phase of ESRF, the Extremely Brilliant Source (EBS), consists of the construction of a new storage ring, based on a revolutionary lattice design and new beam lines that will exploit the new source. EBS, which brings with it two orders to increase the magnitude in its brilliance, allows the scientific community to incorporate X-ray science into research domains and applications that could not have been imagined a few years ago. With yields 100 times higher than today’s synchrotrons, EBS is designed to provide new tools for material and living matter research, from the macroscopic world to the nanometre scale and even to the single atom.
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2016
- Preparation phase: 2012-2015
- Implementation/construction phase: 2015-2022
- Start of operation: 2023
CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array)
The CTA is an advanced installation dedicated to terrestrial astronomy of very high energy gamma rays. It is the world’s largest set of gamma-ray telescopes that will detect gamma rays with unprecedented accuracy and will be ten times more sensitive than any of its predecessors. This infrastructure appeared in the ESFRI Roadmap of 2006 as an emerging project. In the 2008 update, it appeared on the list of the 8 major projects in Physical Sciences and Engineering and in 2014 acquired the legal status of GmbH. In this sense, the CTA allows to address important questions of the field of astrophysics and fundamental physics to which it is not possible to answer with the current instrumentation. The approachable scientific areas are related to the search for dark matter, the study of space-time, remnants of supernovae, pulsars and cosmic rays, micro quasars and X-ray binaries, active galaxies, fields of radiation and cosmology, etc.
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2008
- Preparation phase: 2011-2016
- Intermediate/transition phase: 2017-2018
- Implementation/construction phase: 2019-2024
- Start of operation: 2024
ELT (European Extremely Large Telescope)
ELT is a new and revolutionary Earth telescope designed for the advancement of astrophysical knowledge, which allows detailed studies of planets around other stars, of the first galaxies of the Universe, of super-massive black holes, as well as of the nature and distribution of dark matter and energy. Equipped with a 39-metre primary mirror, the ELT is conceived as the world’s largest near infrared and optical telescope. The Telescope is an integral part of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), a member of the EIROforum organisation. In April 2010, the ESO Council selected Mount Armazones in the Atacama Desert, Chile, as a reference location for this infrastructure. It is designed to integrate several scientific instruments, allowing to change from one to the other in a matter of minutes. The ability to observe over a wide range of wavelengths from optics to mid-infrared allows the scientific community to exploit the size of the telescope to its full extent. Following this line, the research enabled by the ELT covers many areas of astronomy, from the Solar System to the extra-solar planets, from nearby galaxies to the most distant objects observable at the boundary of the visible Universe, from fundamental physics to cosmology.
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2006
- Preparation phase: 2016-2012
- Implementation/construction phase: 2014-2024
- Start of operation: 2024
ELIXIR (A distributed infrastructure for life-science information)
The ELIXIR distributed infrastructure is an initiative that consolidates national bioinformatics centres, services and core resources into a single, systematised infrastructure. ELIXIR coordinates and develops resources across Europe to enable the scientific community to find and share data, exchange experiences and agree on best practices, as well as gain a better understanding of how living organisms work. In 2013, ELIXIR became a permanent legal entity following the ratification of the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement (ECA) by EMBL and the first five funding countries. This distributed infrastructure follows a core and node model, with a unique location located next to the EMBL-EBI at the Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton (Cambridge, UK) and a growing number of nodes located in centres of excellence across Europe, coordinating nationally the bioinformatics services of each country. In this sense, ELIXIR works together using a “Central Node and National Nodes” model. Each ELIXIR member state establishes a “Node” which in turn is a network of organisations working within a member state. Thus, each node has a representative organisation that coordinates the local activities of ELIXIR.
ELIXIR-ES, Spanish node of ELIXIR, is represented by the Instituto Nacional de Bioinformática (INB), which brings together 17 groups in 11 different institutions (BSC, CRG, FPS, CNAG-CRG, IRB Barcelona, IMIM, UMA, CNB-CSIC, CNIO, UPF, USAL-CSIC), the BSC being the Spanish coordinator and representative in ELIXIR. Participation is governed by an agreement between ISCIII and the entities that are part of the Spanish node of ELIXIR, which sets out the responsibilities and forms of affiliation to the Spanish node.
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2006
- Preparation phase: 2007-2011
- Intermediate/transition phase: 2011-2013
- Implementation/Construction phase: 2013-2020
- Start of operation: 2014
EU-OPENSCREEN (European Infrastructure of Open Screening Platforms for Chemical Biology)
EU-OPENSCREEN is a distributed research infrastructure that develops new chemical compounds that cause specific biological responses in organisms, cells or cell components.
The overall objective of this new European infrastructure is to provide the scientific community with access to information, expertise and technical skills of high interest for research related to chemical compounds, knowledge of their biological interactions and the discovery of new drugs, all of which are currently not available to most European researchers. In addition, EU-OPENSCREEN has as its main objective to respond to these constraints by focusing its functioning on three essential elements: a centralised library of chemical compounds, a network of screening platforms and centres specialised in pharmaceutical chemistry, and an open access database that will collect the results of such chemical-biological interactions.
This access will facilitate quality research on the molecular mechanisms of biological processes and the application of new knowledge to generate innovative solutions in the areas of health, nutrition and the environment.
The infrastructure aims to take advantage of European knowledge in the field of chemistry to create a common collection of compounds, allowing progress in the study of the molecular mechanisms of complex biological phenomena. One of the tools to make progress in this regard is the European Chemical Biology Library (ECBL), which consists of 100,000 compounds.
EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC is based in Berlin and is one of 48 European research infrastructures selected by the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures to meet the needs of the European scientific community. They are part of this infrastructure: the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Spain and Germany.
The Spanish community in this infrastructure, coordinated by ISCIII, is formed by 4 nodes that have obtained accreditation by the ERIC: the Príncipe Felipe Research Centre, the Medina Foundation, the CSIC (through the Group of Medical and Biological Translational Chemistry of CIB Margarita Salas) and the University of Santiago de Compostela.
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2008
- Design phase: 2008-2012
- Preparation phase: 2012-2017
- Intermediate/transition phase: 2018-2019
- Implementation/Construction phase: 2020-2027
- Start of operation: 2027
EURO-BIOIMAGING (European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences)
Euro-BioImaging is a comprehensive research infrastructure that provides open access, services and training to a wide range of state-of-the-art biological and medical imaging technologies. EuBI, which was legally constituted as an ERIC at the end of 2019, offers high-quality validated services to the scientific community studying life in Europe and beyond, in a coordinated, harmonised and integrated environment of the best research institutes across Europe. It has also been designed to meet the requirements of biological and medical imaging communities through the creation of distributed facilities (nodes) in many European countries. These nodes, which may be in a single location or distributed between cities and institutions, are classified:
1. Depending on their typology:
— Biological image
— Biomedical image
2. Depending on their capacity:
— Multimode: advanced facility offering multiple optical microscopy technologies
— Flagship: focused on a single capacity that is at the forefront of Europe in knowledge and instrumentation
EuBi is scientifically coordinated by EIBIR (Medical Imaging) and EMBL (Biological Imaging).
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2008
- Preparation phase: 2010-2014
- Intermediate/transition phase: 2014-2015
- Implementation/Construction phase: 2016-2018
- Start of operation: 2016
INSTRUCT (Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure)
INSTRUCT is a distributed research infrastructure that provides peer review access to a wide range of cutting-edge technology and knowledge, as well as training and development of techniques in the area of integrated cellular and structural biology. The general objective of INSTRUCT is to contribute to the strategic organisation of European infrastructures in the field of structural biology, a field of work aimed at providing accurate information at atomic level on the structure of biological macromolecules using various experimental techniques, key to scientific advancement in biology and biomedicine, essentially X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and three-dimensional electronic microscopy. The operational headquarters are the seven centres of the initial project partners. These centres are the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and six others related to electron microscopy, X-rays and MRI. It is coordinated by the Division of Structural Biology at the University of Oxford Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics (Headington, United Kingdom).
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2006
- Preparation phase: 2008-2012
- Intermediate/Transitional Phase: 2011-2012
- Implementation/construction phase: 2012-2017
- Start of operation: 2017
EPOS (European Plate Observing System)
EPOS is a distributed structure of research and e-science related to observational data of earthquakes, volcanoes as well as surface and tectonic dynamics. Its headquarters are located at the Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) in Rome and is designed to coordinate and standardise activity in the field of Earth Sciences at European level. The unified and wide-ranging information to be obtained from the EPOS infrastructure network will make it possible to assess the existence of mineral and energy resources in the subsoil and facilitate the understanding of the functioning of natural phenomena. It will also be an indispensable benchmark in the design of environmental and civil protection policies, as well as in the assessment of the vulnerability of risk structures.
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2008
- Design phase: 2000-2010
- Preparation phase: 2010-2014
- Implementation/construction phase: 2015-2022
- Start of operation: 2020
ACTRIS (Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Research Infrastructure)
ACTRIS is a pan-European initiative that consolidates actions among European partners that conduct high-quality observations of aerosols, clouds and trace gases and explore their interactions. The different atmospheric processes are increasingly at the heart of many social and environmental challenges, such as air quality, health, sustainability and climate change. ACTRIS aims to help solve such challenges by providing a platform for researchers to combine their efforts more effectively, and by providing aerosol, cloud and gas observation data to anyone who wants to use them.
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2016
- Preparation phase: 2016-2019
- Implementation/construction phase: 2019-2024
- Start of operation: 2025
DiSSCo (Distributed System of Scientific Collections)
DiSSCo is a new pan-European research infrastructure with the vision of placing European collections of natural sciences at the centre of scientific excellence and innovation in order to promote taxonomic and environmental research, food safety, health and bio economy. This infrastructure mobilises, links and provides information about biodiversity and geodiversity, which is currently fragmented, in the scale, form and precision required, providing the scientific community with tools to address the main challenges of the Anthropocene.
The new RI introduces a gradual change by massively improving the ability of scientists to discover, access and analyse complex, previously disintegrated and disassociated information derived from the study of the vast European collections in the field of natural sciences.
DiSSCo was approved at ESFRI Roadmap 2018 to fill a gap in European environmental infrastructures. It is an infrastructure formed by the largest collections of European natural history, 115 institutions from 21 countries. The CSIC has the largest Museum of Natural Sciences in the country, as well as the oldest herbariums in Spain guarded in the RJB with collections formed for more than two hundred years.
In March 2017, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the CSIC (through MNCN and RJB) and the University of Navarre (through the Museum of Zoology and the Herbarium PAMP) to form a Consortium to join forces to support the request for DiSSCo to enter ESFRI Roadmap 2018. In this agreement, the MNCN was chosen from among the participating entities to be the representative of the national node due to the relevance and abundance of its collections.
DiSSCo, along with other ESFRI infrastructures, will collaborate with LifeWatc to a greater or lesser degree.
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2016
- Preparation phase: 2016-2019
- Implementation/construction phase: 2019-2024
- Start of operation: 2025
eLTER (Long-Term Ecosystem Research in Europe)
eLTER is a new distributed research infrastructure that aims to integrate traditional natural sciences and holistic approaches to ecosystem research to better understand ecosystems. In this way, eLTER adopts a fundamentally systemic approach to observing and analysing the environmental system, encompassing biological, geological, hydrological and socio-ecological perspectives. Through research and monitoring, eLTER seeks to improve our knowledge about the structure and functions of ecosystems and their long-term response to environmental, social and economic drivers. In this sense, eLTER provides indispensable integrated datasets (abiotics, biotic, social, covering all the structures and functions of the system) and thus contributes to supporting predictions and decision-making in an interdisciplinary framework and in collaboration with other domain-specific RI. Consequently, this infrastructure comprises land, freshwater and transitional water locations, which will allow the acquisition and collection, in situ and in the same place, of essential variables ranging from bio-physicochemical data to those aspects related to biodiversity, not forgetting those of a socio-ecological nature.
eLTER is the only research infrastructure that comprehensively covers the impacts of such stressors on a wide variety of European reference ecosystems (main geo-eco-sociological systems in the ecoclimatological zones of the continent and the critical zone of the Earth).
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2018
- Design phase: 2015-2019
- Preparation phase: 2019-2021
- Implementation/construction phase: 2021-2026
- Start of operation: 2026
E-RIHS (European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science)
E-RIHS is an infrastructure for the development of research into cultural and natural heritage in aspects that include interpretation, conservation, documentation and management. It is one of the six new projects that entered the update of the ESFRI roadmap of 2016 and the only one within the Social and Cultural Innovation area.
E-RIHS will support excellence research projects in Heritage Science where national resources are not sufficient to address critical and complex issues. It will provide advanced tools and services, developed by interdisciplinary research groups, to scientific users working on advancing heritage knowledge and innovative strategies for its preservation. Through concerted procedures among participants, E-RIHS will provide integrated access to state-of-the-art analytics technologies and scientific archives through four platforms: FIXLAB, for access to large instruments in infrastructures of excellence; MOLAB, a fleet of advanced mobile instruments moving for in-situ studies; ARCHLAB, for access to collections of materials and data files and DIGILAB, for online access to data and digital tools.
E-RIHS is configured as a distributed infrastructure, with Headquarters (Italy) and National Nodes.
In July 2018, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed to formalise the collaboration for the establishment of the Spanish Node ( between the CSIC, as its coordinating institution, the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (IPCE-MECD) and the National Centre for Research on Human Evolution (CENIEH). However, the accession to the MoU of other institutions with capacity to offer services in Heritage Science was later formalised, in order to consolidate a powerful national node, which has a prominent role in the European infrastructure, in line with the importance of cultural heritage in Spain and the capacities of the national research community working in this field. These new additions to the National Node are: the University of Barcelona UB (FIXLAB), the University of the Basque Country EHU-UPV (FIXLAB), the National Centre for Accelerators CNA (FIXLAB), the Centre for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property of the Junta de Castilla y León (ARCHLAB) and the Autonomous University of Madrid (UMA).
- Inclusion in the ESFRI Infrastructure Roadmap: 2016
- Preparation phase: 2017-2020
- Intermediate/Transitional Phase: 2019-2021
- Implementation/Construction phase: 2021-2025
- Start of operation: 2025