2022-2025 Action Plan
Action Plans
2018-2021 Action Plan
2018-2021 CSIC Action Plan (pdf 4 M)
2014-2017 Action Plan
2014-2017 CSIC Action Plan
(pdf 4 M)
Action Plans
2010-2013 Action Plan
The CSIC's 2010-2013 Institutional Action Plan
(es-PDF 8,57M) - (en-PDF 648K)
As in the case of the 2006-2009 Strategic Plan, all the CSIC Centres and Institutes took part in preparing the 2010-2013 Plan, together with the Horizontal Units and Scientific/Technical Areas. This process involved a critical self-analysis of their current situation and the definition of the objectives they intend to fulfil.
However, this Plan has a number of features distinguishing it from its predecessor, and certain aspects of the approach and its scope and size also changed. The main novel features address research lines and the fact that new dimensions have been included to evaluate the fulfilment of the goals set, such as outreach, internationalisation and the impact of scientific output. Another novel feature is the fact that the Action Plan now affects all centres, including shared services.
As in the previous edition, the Strategic Plans were evaluated by panels of international experts who indicated the points that needed to be revised. At the end of the process, the projected human and financial resources were assigned to each centre, institute or unit for each year of the period, in accordance with its Strategic Plan. Horizontal strategic actions of an institutional nature and the resources necessary to implement them will be implemented over the four-year duration of the Action Plan.
Summaries of the CSIC 2010-2013 Action Plans by Areas:
- Summary of the Humanities and Social Sciences Area (pdf 536k)
- Summary of the Biology and Biomedicine Area (pdf 464k)
- Summary of the Natural Resources Area (pdf 432k)
- Summary of the Agricultural Sciences Area (pdf 440k)
- Summary of the Physical Science and Technology Area (pdf 800k)
- Summary of the Materials Science Area (pdf 464k)
- Summary of the Food Science and Technology Area (pdf 584k)
- Summary of the Chemical Sciences and Technology Area (pdf 408k)
2006-2009 Action Plan
The 2006-2009 Action Plan was prepared following a bottom-up process in which the CSIC centres and institutes formulated their own strategic plans based on a critical self-analysis of their current situation and a definition of the objectives they aimed to meet.
These strategic plans were reviewed by panels of international experts appointed by the EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) and ESF (European Science Foundation). Following their review the panels highlighted the points that needed revising.
Finally, the CSIC scientific/technical areas approved the revised strategic plans for the centres and institutes, and assigned the human and economic resources to each centre/institute for each of the years of the period, in accordance with its Strategic Plan.
The Horizontal Units and Scientific/Technical Areas also drew up their own strategic plans along similar lines.
The overall Strategic Plan of the CSIC examined its current situation as an institution and defined strategies to help it to achieve the goals set.
One general feature of the 2006-2009 CSIC Action Plan is that it sets out to achieve specific objectives measured by means of a series of key performance indicators. This quantitative assessment will make it easy to monitor the progress of the Strategic Plans for centres and units and the overall Action Plan for the organisation as a whole.
The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Position Paper on the 7th Research Framework Programme (2007-2013)
Paper describing the CSIC position vis-à-vis the European Union's 7th Framework Programme and the construction of the European Research Area (ERA).
Ingenio 2010 Programme
The INGENIO 2010 programme represents the government's commitment to involving the State, the business sector, Academia and Public Research Organisations in a concerted effort to bring R&D in Spain up to the level corresponding to the size of its economy and its political weight in Europe.