CSIC has traditionally maintained an explicit commitment to equal opportunities for women and men in its working conditions, complying with the regulatory mandate of equality legislation, integrating the spirit of this legislation into its functioning and organisational culture and aligning its actions with the objectives of the European Research Area (ERA), guaranteeing the effective promotion of gender equality and the integration of the gender perspective into the content of research and innovation.
CSIC was pioneering, within the General State Administration, in the development of equality policies with the creation, in 2002, of the Women and Science Committee, whose mission is to advise the CSIC Presidency and to carry out studies and follow-ups and propose actions to optimise the scientific careers of women in the organisation.
Subsequently, in 2011, on the occasion of the drafting of the I Plan for equality between women and men in the General State Administration and its Public Bodies, the Delegate Commission for Equality at the CSIC was created and set up, responsible for developing actions in favour of effective equality for CSIC employees.
In 2018 the CSIC Presidency established the ‘Gender Equality Accreditation Distinction’, which aims to recognise those CSIC centres or institutes that promote the gender perspective as a cross-cutting category in all aspects of their operation and make progress in promoting measures aimed at eliminating the barriers that women encounter in the exercise of their profession. It is also worth highlighting the dissemination campaign ‘Ellas son CSIC’ and the commemorative events that are regularly held on the occasion of the International Women and Girls in Science’s Day (11 February) and International Women's Day (8 March).
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