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Catalytic production of chemical and energy compounds from renewable materials
Assessing soil redistribution and sediment apportionment from different land uses: geospatial analysis and
isotopic modelling in a mountain agroecosystem.
Molecular mechanisms involved in improving the quality of grapes and strawberries through fermentative metabolism modulation by high concentrations of CO2 and ethanol
Cell plasticity and behaviour in epithelial homeostasis and tumour progression
Determination and utilization of the genetic diversity of the carotenoid content and their esterification in
wheat and tritordeum
Structured lipids as a strategy for meat products reformulation for possible use in the prevention of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Scientific culture, perception and attitudes towards science and innovation in the Spanish business sector.
Construction operation and R&D for the NEXT experiment at the LSC.
Analysis of chemokine receptor oligomerization and their dynamics at the cell surface to identify new targets for therapeutic intervention
Frontiers in nano-photonics: graphene and quantum and non-linear plasmonics