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Participation in the CMS experiment of LHC: run 2 pixel upgrade for high luminosity
Sediment dynamics and stabilization of organic carbon: characterization and balance in Mediterranean basins. Implications for adaptation and mitigation of climate change
Structural and mechanistic analysis of viral nanomachines and macromolecular systems
Blocked DNA breaks: molecular mechanisms and pathological implications
Metals and oxides for a sustainable electronics
Importance of the "small" in changing ocean: understanding short term variability and role of small plankton
Evaluation of a nutritional supplement enriched with bioactive phospholipids designed to prevent age-associated mild cognitive impairment
Optical imaging technologies and opto-biomechanical models for personalized diagnostics and treatment in
Interactive effects of climate change and exotic pathogens on biotic communities of mixed Mediterranean
Functional specialization of macrophages regulated by LXR nuclear receptors