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Development of cermets with high entropy alloys as binder phase for machining applications
Regulation of ABA signaling through mechanisms that affect subcellular localization, half life and activity of PYR/PYL ABA-receptors to enhance plant drought tolerance
Femtosecond-laser assisted self-organization processes for photonics: control of ion migration and surface wave structuring for emerging applications
Des¡gn and evaluation of immunoglobulin molecules as potential therapeutics of viral infections (measles
and HIV)
hybrid thermochemical storage of concentrated solar power
Beyond Watson-Crick double helix. Non-canonical structures of nucleic acids and their potential use in biomedical applications
Utilization of gastrointestinal models as a tool for increasing the digestion efficiency of feed protein in cultured marine fish
Lactobacillus plantarum as a model for the interaction with phenolic compounds in food fermentations and in the adaptation to the gastrointestinal tract
Modulating carbohydrate matrixes to wide its technological application in gluten free baked foods with
additional improvement in nutrition
Role of CCAAT/Enhancer binding protein beta (C/E8Pbeta) in Parkinson disease: Identification of its downstream gene effectors