Native and alien flora: diversity, collections, and conservation

Native and alien flora: diversity, collections, and conservation

This research group is devoted to the study of native and alien flora (with special emphasis on the latter) of the Mediterranean basin and East Asia, with an integrative focus. With this objective, the group’s staff perform studies using different approaches and tools, which can be divided into three main axes: (1) diversity, (2) collections and (3) conservation. Both geographic regions are large reservoirs of plant diversity at a global level but at the same time are among the areas of the planet with a greater degree of human disturbance.

Main specialization

Analytical NutriAgeing

Analytical NutriAgeing

The main aim of the Analytical NutriAgeing research group is focused in the development and implementation of advanced omics technologies and analytical methodologies to provide high quality analytical information and solutions to study nutraceuticals and functional foods based on dairy products and promoting healthy ageing.

Main specialization

Mountain ecosystems and global change

Mountain ecosystems and global change

We study biodiversity all biological levels and spatial and temporal scales, with a special focus on mountain ecosystems and the impact of global change. We investigate the mechanisms of diversification of populations and species using genetic and phenotypic data, and community variability along elevational gradients, using long series and inventories of biodiversity data, both in the Cantabrian Mountains and in other European or extra-European mountain regions.

Main specialization

GEO3BCN - Geosciences Barcelona

GEO3BCN - Geosciences Barcelona

Geociencias Barcelona (GEO3BCN) is an innovative working group set up in order to provide the best possible response to the requirements of our society with regard to geosciences. GEO3BCN builds upon the former Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera and brings together high profile research specialists from different disciplines into a singular multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research team. GEO3BCN aims at promoting geosciences at a national and international level, as well as integrating geosciences in society.

Main specialization

Phytopathogenic Fungi Group

Phytopathogenic Fungi Group

PHYTOPATHOGENIC FUNGI group is a leading research group in the Etiology, Epidemiology and Control of plant diseases caused by fungi as demonstrated by the quality of its extensive scientific production, its ability to obtain resources of a competitive nature, and its scientific relations with other national and international groups related to this topic. The group is a pioneer in the production and formulation of biocontrol agents and Biological Control and also on brown rot of stone fruit.

Main specialization

Cellular and molecular biology of the vascular endothelium

Cellular and molecular biology of the vascular endothelium

Endoglin is a component of the receptor complex of the TGF-β family in endothelial cells. Mutations in the endoglin gene are responsible for Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia type 1 (HHT1). Endoglin regulates angiogenesis and vascular homeostasis, and elevated levels of soluble endoglin have a pathogenic role in preeclampsia. The goal of the laboratory is to study the role of endoglin in vascular pathophysiology.

Main specialization

Microbial systems and Protein engineering

Microbial systems and Protein engineering

The growth and diversification of the research lines of the "Biotechnology for lignocellulosic biomass" group has led to the creation of this new group, structured around two main line. Our common goal is focused on the bioconversion of natural or artificial waste by enzymes or whole microbial cells. Drs. Mª Jesús Martínez and Alicia Prieto lead studies on hydrolytic enzymes involved in the degradation and transformation of carbohydrates and lipids of the plant cell wall. On the other hand, Dr.

Main specialization



MitoPhenomics lab aims to understand the role of the small, understudied, circles of DNA in mitochondria (mtDNA) in metabolism and cell signaling in health and disease.

Main specialization

Nature, territory and cultural imaginaries

Nature, territory and cultural imaginaries

The "Nature, territory and cultural imaginaries" Research Group focuses its work on the relationships between physical environment, human action and cultural processes in different periods and historical contexts. The spatial planning processes have been accompanied by the production of collective imaginaries, which have conditioned the link that human societies maintain with nature. The RG investigates the role that the different uses of water and fossil fuels have had in the configuration of historical landscapes, cultural cosmovisions and socio-environmental metabolism.

Main specialization