Nanostructured polymers and gels

Nanostructured polymers and gels

The group aims to develop novel polymer gels and self assembling polymer materials as precursor materials of advanced applications in biomedicines. The group is integrated within the CSIC interdisciplinary platforms SUSPLAST+ y FAB3D. Currently it is constituted by the following members: Dr. Rebeca Hernández. Científica titular CSIC (IP) Prof. Carmen Mijangos Prof. Investigación CSIC `ad honorem¿ Dr. Adrián Esteban Arranz. Postdoctoral researcher. Luis Andrés Perez-Perez. Predoctoral researcher. Industrial doctorate. Mario Ivan Peñas Nuñez. Predoctoral researcher, FPI Alexis Alvear Jiménez.

Main specialization

Polymer Composites

Polymer Composites

Polymer Composites emerges in 2021 from Polymeric Nanomaterials, an A-rated group: excellent. The new group was formed after a long-term collaboration, of more than 15 years, between two researchers, and was consolidated with the attraction of two "Ramón y Cajal" researchers bringing new lines of work.

Main specialization

Geological & geomorfological mapping, 4D geology of orogens and basins (GI-CARTO)

Geological & geomorfological mapping, 4D geology of orogens and basins (GI-CARTO)

The group integrates advanced research activities in specific geological issues, but also assumes the responsibility of maintain and develop the geological map infrastructure of Spain and to make it evolve as the geological knowledge and GIS and database technologies improved. The results of this systematic and continuous survey, embodied in the Plan Cartográfico Nacional, have multiple uses in the design and application of environmental policies on the territory, in the search for mineral resources for the new green technologies, in hydrogeological and global change research, in geological h

Main specialization

Advanced Therapies

Advanced Therapies

The Advanced Therapies group applies the latest gene editing, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and organoid technologies to design and validation of new therapies. Our line of work includes the development of new molecular tools to guarantee the safety of in vitro differentiated tissue transplants, the implementation of genomic repair systems for hereditary mutations, and the design of cellular therapies for any disease that could be tackled by modifying the genome of living cells. In particular, we are currently running projects on HIV, Alzheimer¿s disease and Cancer Immunotherapy.

Main specialization

Emerging and Transboundary Diseases Research Group

Emerging and Transboundary Diseases Research Group

Research, development and innovation in emerging and transboundary infectious diseases with serious impact in animal and public health such as African swine fever (ASF), and other important epizootics, as well as emerging viral zoonoses such as West Nile virus fever / encephalitis, or West Nile (WN), Rift Valley fever (RVF) and Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, among others. In this group the Reference Laboratory of the European Union and the FAO Reference Center for African swine fever are located.

Main specialization

Pancreatic islet development and beta cell mass

Pancreatic islet development and beta cell mass

Beta cell mass is an important component of type 2 diabetes progression, lower beta cell mass is associated with reduced insulinaemia, glucose intolerance and diabetes. Beta cell mass is highly heterogeneous among human individuals, and currently there are no methods for its clinical determination.

Main specialization

Mitochondria, redox and metabolic diseases

Mitochondria, redox and metabolic diseases

Dr. Liesa did his PhD at the University of Barcelona under the supervision of Dr. Antonio Zorzano, on the role and regulation of mitochondrial dynamics in muscle. In 2009, Dr. Liesa was awarded a fellowship from Fundación Ramon Areces to perform his post-doctoral research at Boston University. In 2013, Dr. Liesa became a junior group leader at Boston University and in 2015 was recruited by the Department of Medicine and the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA as an Assistant Professor to lead his lab in the new Metabolism Theme, where he was promoted to Associate Professor. Dr.

Main specialization

Human-Wildlife Coexistence for Conservation

Human-Wildlife Coexistence for Conservation

We focus on the integration of quantitative, inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to face conservation challenges; with particular interest in nature conservation, human-wildlife interactions, conservation conflicts, and large mammals and avian scavengers. These species are among the most challenging groups of species to conserve, and coexist with, in our crowded planet. Keeping a strong emphasis on the practical nature of our research, we aim to interact with stakeholders, policy-makers, and the general public, for an effective conservation of biodiversity.

Main specialization

Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage and Food

Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage and Food

The group aims to establish a connection between the social and the natural sciences as part of a comprehensive, interdisciplinary and sustainable approach applied to agrobiological practices and processes from a combined anthropological and sociological perspective.. It seeks to understand the processes by which traditional agricultural products generate representations of quality, forms of differentiation in the market, and finally allow the valorisation of the product.

Main specialization