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Functionality and Ecology of Beneficial Microbes

The main objective of the group MICROHEALTH focuses on clarifying the functions of beneficial microorganisms related to food and health. We have the knowledge and technology required for the analysis of microbiotas and microbiomes, as well as for the isolation and characterization of intestinal and food bacteria to be used in biotechnological processes that contribute to improve food quality and safety, human health and sustainable food systems. Our activities are directed towards the development of functional foods, mainly based on probiotic bacteria and prebiotic compounds, to modulate the microbiome and thus contribute to restoring the intestinal microbial balance. The group develops these objectives in collaboration with national and international experts in different fields such as clinicians, immunologists, nutritionists, chemists and bioinformaticians, among others.
Main specialization
Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
  • LS9 Applied Life Sciences and Non-Medical Biotechnology
Industrial Leadership:
  • 4. Biotechnology
  • 4.1. Boosting cutting-edge biotechnologies as future innovation drivers
Societal Challenges:
  • 2. Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bioeconomy.
  • 2.2. Sustainable and competitive agri-food sector for a safe and healthy diet