Visit to Centro de Química Orgánica "Lora-Tamayo"

Visit to Centro de Química Orgánica "Lora-Tamayo"

CSIC’s president, Eloísa del Pino, visits Centro de Química Orgánica Lora-Tamayo (CENQUIOR-CSIC) and the three Institutes that make it up: Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros (ICTP), Instituto de Química Médica (IQM) and Instituto de Química Orgánica Genenal (IQOG).

Ocean Decade Conference

Ocean Decade Conference

Eloísa del Pino, CSIC’s president, attends the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference organized by the Intergovernmental Ocean Commission of UNESCO (OIC/UNESCO).

The Conference presents an on-site programme of plenary sessions of 3 days codirected with Generalitat de Cataluña and Ayuntamiento de Barcelona through Fundación Barcelona Capital Náutica, and Comité español de la Década Oceánica Nacional, led by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through the own Spanish National Research Council.

Marie Curie Colloquium: Globalization of the biological invasions

Marie Curie Colloquium: Globalization of the biological invasions

José Mª Martell, vicepresident for  CSIC Scientific and Technical Research, attends the conference Globalization of biological invasions taught by Montserrat Vilà, female researcher of Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC), within the series of Marie Curie coloquiums.

Comparative Genomics and Metagenomics Lab

Comparative Genomics and Metagenomics Lab

Research The Comparative Genomics and Metagenomics Lab at CBGP (Madrid, Spain) develops bioinformatic methods to decipher what makes each organism and microbial ecosystem unique. In particular, we use phylogenomic techniques to study processes such as gene sub/neo-functionalization, duplication, horizontal transfer, domain conservation and orthology detection. At the metagenomic scale, we are interested in the functional characterization of microbial communities as a whole, aiming at the identification of functional modules associated with environmental or host conditions.

Main specialization

Determinants of mitochondrial physiology and intercellular transfer in the nervous system (Mitodynamics).

Determinants of mitochondrial physiology and intercellular transfer in the nervous system (Mitodynamics).

Our group seeks to unravel the mechanisms that underlie a wide variety of neurological pathologies, in particular neurodegenerative and oncogenic disorders, which have in common an alteration in mitochondrial function. To explore how they occur, we study the interplay between the morphology, ultrastructure and dynamics of these organelles in the regulation of metabolism, respiration, redox status, and neural bioenergetics. We focus our main interest on the coordination of mitochondrial function between cells and tissues, through intercellular transfer of mitochondrial content.

Main specialization

Mineral and Thermal Waters

Mineral and Thermal Waters

The Mineral and Thermal Waters Service has an extensive knowledge, derived from many scientific-technical studies carried out during years of providing this service to society.

Main specialization

Chemistry and biochemistry of pigments

Chemistry and biochemistry of pigments

The research group focuses on identifying chlorophylls, carotenoids, and bioactive components in foods to advance knowledge on food composition. Investigations into chlorophyll catabolic pathways during tissue maturation contribute to sustainable agriculture amid climate change. In vitro and in vivo models estimate assimilation, enhancing health claim credibility and aiding companies in nutri-functional food development. The group studies digestibility of micronutrients in human milk and infant formulas, aiming for new lipid-related nutritional recommendations.

Main specialization

Functional organization of the mammalian genome

Functional organization of the mammalian genome

Our research interests are Genome Biology, DNA replication, transcription and Epigenetics. We focus our investigation in trying to understand how chromatin structure modulates the expression and maintenance of the information encoded in eukaryotic genomes, and how these processes take place within the context of a highly complex and compacted genomic chromatin environment. This knowledge is of fundamental importance to understand the complex role of chromatin in regulating the versatility and stability of our genome both in physiological and pathological conditions.

Main specialization

Viral Biology

Viral Biology

RNA viruses have the highest mutation rates of any organism, which allows them to evade immunity, escape antiviral therapy or vaccines, and emerge into hosts causing devastating pandemics. Our group uses both recent system biology tools and traditional virology experiments to understand the effect of mutations on RNA virus biology, evolution, and pathogenicity as well as to devise novel therapies.

Main specialization

Gametogenesis and early embryonic development

Gametogenesis and early embryonic development

Our group works in the area of knowledge of reproductive biology, reproductive veterinary medicine and gametogenesis. The lab is interested in understand the genetic (especially through mRNA splicing and ncRNAs) and epigenetic mechanisms that controls spermatogenesis and early embryo development, and their impact on fertility, sperm selection, sex determination, embryo/foetal development and adult health. Understanding these processes is essential both for their use in animal production and for understanding the causes of infertility in animals and humans.

Main specialization