Women and science: an opportunity to speed up gender equity

Women and science: an opportunity to speed up gender equity

Eloísa del Pino, CSIC’s president, participates in the colloquium - organized by Science in the Parlament on the occassion of International Women’s day - Women and science: an opportunity to speed up gender equity, which shall take place at Real Jardín Botánico (RBJ-CSIC) of Madrid.

Malaria Mission. A historical perspective

Malaria Mission. A historical perspective

CSIC’S vicepresident for Institutional Affairs & Organisation, Carlos Closa Montero, opens Malaria Mission exhibition. A historical perspective in Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC).




MaX CSIC Plan / Deep-MaX 2024 Project

MaX CSIC Plan / Deep-MaX 2024 Project

CSIC’s president, Eloísa del Pino, closes the launch event of CSIC MaX Plan, for self-evaluation of excellency of the centers of the agency.





Exploring boundaries, 2nd conference. Marta Martínez Sanz

Exploring boundaries, 2nd conference. Marta Martínez Sanz

Eloísa del Pino, CSIC’s president, opens the 2nd conference Exploring boundaries with CSIC’s National Awards cycle: Alternative sources of biomases for the development of new sustainable food and materials of the researcher Marta Martínez Sanz, National Youth Research Award, in the field of Sciences and Technologies of Material Resources.

New vaccine against canine leishmaniasis

New vaccine against canine leishmaniasis

CSIC’s president, Eloísa del Pino, attends the presentation ceremony of new DNA vaccine against canine leishmaniasis developed by CSIC and Zendal that will take place during the international Fair for proffesional of the Iberzoo+Propet pet.

Joint Research Centre Goberning Board

Joint Research Centre Goberning Board

Eloísa del Pino, CSIC’s president, participates in the Governing Board meeting of Joint Research Centre which shall take place in Seville.


National Research Awards

National Research Awards

CSIC’s president, Eloísa del Pino, attends with their Majesties the Kings of Spain, Felipe VI and Leitizia Ortiz and Spain’s Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, to the ceremony event of 2023 National Research Awards that shall take place in Gandía (Valencia).






The 5-day course is designed to provide a practical introduction to the R programming language (https://www.r-project.org), with a specific focus on analyzing prosopographical data for historians. The primary dataset we will study in this workshop is ¿Prosopografía de ulemas de al-Andalus¿ (PUA) project (www.eea.csic.es/pua), which contains the most extensive information on Muslim scholars from al-Andalus. Throughout the workshop, participants will: