Women in nanomedecine

Women in nanomedecine

Eloísa del Pino, CSIC’s president, opens the day Women in Nanomedecine, from the dissemination acts that take place on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

Breakfast breefing about Forum Europa

Breakfast breefing about Forum Europa

CSIC’s president, Eloísa del Pino, attends the breakfast meeting of Forum Europa with Juan Lobato, socialist spokesperson in Madrid Assembly and general secretary of PSOE Madrid.

Visit to Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinares de Alcalá (CI2A-CSIC)

Visit to Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinares de Alcalá (CI2A-CSIC)

Eloísa del Pino, CSIC’s president, visits Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinares de Alcalá (CI2A-CSIC).

El CI2A is formed by  Instituto Cajal (IC), Instituto de Química Orgánica General (IQOG), Instituto de Química Médica (IQM) and Centro Internacional de NeuroCiencia Cajal (CINC).

Curie colloquium. Paleogenomics and inequality of the past

Curie colloquium. Paleogenomics and inequality of the past

Carlos Juan Closa, vicepresident for Institutional Affairs & Organization of CSIC, attends the inauguration ceremony of the conference Paleogenomics and inequality of the past taught by Carles Lalueza Foz, researcher at Instituto de Biología evolutaiva (IBE-CSIC/UPF), within the circle Coloquios Curie.

Visit to Experiemental Farm “La Poveda”

Visit to Experiemental Farm “La Poveda”

CSIC’s president, Eloísa del Pino, visits the Experimental Farm "La Poveda" of Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias (ICA-CSIC).