Service description
This service is based on the use of the TMT18plex isobaric reagent (marketed by Thermo Scientific) for the simultaneous and independent labeling of a variable number (up to 18) of proteome samples for their subsequent qualitative (identification) and quantitative study by means of liquid nanochromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry. The use of a long gradient (e.g. 120 minutes) allows to identify and quantify 3000-5000 proteins. Deeper analyses request the use of previous fractionation methods (or first dimension), obtaining the corresponding fractions and individual analysis by LC-ESI MSMS of the fractions obtained. The data obtained are combined and analyzed together.
Options and prices chart
Options |
Unit |
Public Sector |
Other customers |
TMTpro_Simple_Analysis By LC-ESI-MSMS |
€ / muestra |
317.82 € |
378.36 € |
TMTpro_Fractionated_Analysis By LC-ESI-MSMS |
€ / muestra |
429.06 € |
510.79 € |