What do we know about…? (¿Qué sabemos de...? )

This collection aims to bring to a wide audience the state of the art of key topics of scientific research through short and affordable texts prepared by CSIC scientist Explore the collection

Manuel de León y Antonio Gómez Corral,2020

Juan Ángel Vaquerizo, 2020

Elena Castro Martínez y Ignacio Fernández de Lucio, 2020

Francesc Palau, 2020

José Luis Trejo y Coral Sanfeliu, 2020

Daniel Ramos Vega, 2020

Lucía Fernández , Diana Gutiérrez, Ana Rodríguez y Pilar García , 2020

Luis Gómez-Hortigüela Sainz, 2020

David Ríos Insua y David Gómez-Ullate Oteiza, 2019

Carmen Mora Gallardo y Karel H. M. van Wely, 2019

Cristina de la Puente, 2019

Salvador Miret Artés, 2019

Lluís Montoliu, 2019

David Arroyo, Luis Hernández, Jesús Díez, 2019

Pilar Ruiz Lapuente, 2019

José Elguero Bertolini, Pilar Goya Laza y Pascual Román Polo, 2019

Ricardo Prego Reboredo, 2019