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Phytochemicals and Food Quality

The group is in the Life area and partially in the intersection Life-Social Science (lines: LS1_1, LS8_2, LS9_1, LS9_4, LS9_5, LS9_6, SH2_6). - The revalorization of vegetable by-products by the characterization and isolation of their high value components using simple and economically viable processes that not require chemical treatments - The use of phytochemical profiles as new criteria for the differentiation and selection of plant-food varieties based on their overall quality - The investigation of the biological activities of phytochemicals for the development of new products in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and agricultural sectors For these purposes, following facilities are available: - A flash hydrolysis semi-pilot unit and a steam reactor pilot unit - A pilot plant facilities for the isolation of individual components from vegetable by-products. The pilot unit includes filtration, centrifugation, decantation, concentration and purification equipment
Main specialization
Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
  • LS9 Applied Life Sciences and Non-Medical Biotechnology
Industrial Leadership:
  • 7. Other
  • 7.1. Other
Societal Challenges:
  • 2. Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bioeconomy.
  • 2.2. Sustainable and competitive agri-food sector for a safe and healthy diet