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To know the relationship between the central nervous system and the immune system, characterizing the connection between infectious diseases and…
The Neurobiology Unit investigates molecular mechanisms of neuronal death with the aim of identifying targets for therapeutic intervention in…
Un artículo codirigido por el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ha evaluado los efectos sobre el cerebro de la práctica de…
La reelina es una proteína crucial en la regulación de la migración neuronal y del posicionamiento de las neuronas durante el desarrollo del cerebro…
The group has a long trajectory in oxidative stress and lipid signaling in cell death. In particular, we have described the key role of mitochondrial…
We are interested in the development of diagnostic strategies and neuroprotective drugs applicable to pathologies associated to the overactivation of…
Javier DeFelipe’s laboratory has an extensive experience in the analysis on the microorganization of the cerebral cortex using various…
The goal of our group is to discover new therapeutic strategies to combat the underlying alterations of the cognitive loss in pathological brain…