Mostrando resultados 46541 - 46550 de 49373.

Resultados de la búsqueda

Desarrollo de materiales inorgánicos funcionales y modulación de propiedades seleccionadas a partir de criterios cristaloquímicos, a través de la…
Area Global: MATERIA SP (2018-2021, updated 29 /03/2019) The Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites Group ( is currently formed by three…
Area Global: MATERIA y en menor grado en la intersección MATERIA-VIDA El grupo de Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites ( lo forman tres…
SUMAN ( research focuses on the study of nanostructured functional oxides grown from chemical solutions. The major effort is on…
SUMAN ( focaliza su investigación en el estudio de óxidos funcionales nanoestructurados crecidos a través de soluciones químicas.…
This group develops Boron Cluster Compounds and studies their structural and electronic implications. Boron clusters have a chemistry that could be…
This group develops Boron Cluster Compounds and studies their structural and electronic implications. Boron clusters have a chemistry that could be…
The research of the group focus on the preparation and advanced characterization, by using scanning probe and electron microscopies, neutron and…
The research of the Crystallography group is devoted to the development and applications of diffraction methods in materials science. The activity is…