Ciceron Itinerary Barcelona: Digitalization

Ciceron Itinerary Barcelona: Digitalization

Ana Castro, deputy vicepresident of CSIC Knowledge Transfer, attends the Ciceron conference in Barcelona. Ciceron Itineraries look to bring closer relevant personalities from companies, foundations, public administrations and means of communciation to the Council’s installations so they get to know the scientific proyects directly and research staff that carries them out. This conference deals with Digitalization.

5th conference for CSIC researcher in training

5th conference for CSIC researcher in training

Eloísa del Pino, CSIC’s president, attends the 5th conference for  CSIC’s researchers in training. This conference is organized by CSIC’S Posgraduate and Specialization Department in collaboration with CSIC’s Doctorand@s Network, look to  enrich the traineeship of male and female researchers and researchers in training, provide career guidance and foster conexions among young researchers.

International Workshop about Xylella fastidiosa

International Workshop about Xylella fastidiosa

CSIC’s president, Eloísa del Pino, participates in the international Workshop about Xylella fastidiosa “Una década en la Investigación sobre Xylella fastidiosa: Abordando los desafíos y perspectivas futuras en la investigación para mitigar su impacto”(“A Decade in Xylella Fastidiosa Research: Addressing challenges and future prospects in Research to Mitigate its Impact”) , organized by PTI SolXyl of CSIC, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación and  Red IBER-XYFAS of_CYTED programme.

CIEMAT Governing Board

CIEMAT Governing Board

Eloísa del Pino, CSIC’s president, attends Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology (CIEMAT)’s Governing Board.



Elena Cartea, deputy vicepresident of Scientific-Technical Areas, attends the ceremony of FONDENA awards. These awards, organized by Fundación Fondo for the Protection of Nature, have as objective to acknowledge the work of all those people, groups, entities or institutions whose work entails a big contribution for the preservation of nature in Spain.