Event ‘Biodiversity and agriculture, an alliance needed: 10 years of operation Polinizador’

Event ‘Biodiversity and agriculture, an alliance needed: 10 years of operation Polinizador’

Polinizador operation is an international programme which includes the High Council of scientific research (CSIC). This programme aims to extend biodiversity in the agricultural environment, boosting populations of pollinating insects. Intervenes in the inauguration of the event the vice president of scientific research and technical CSIC, Joanne Framework.

[FPU2019] Ecología teórica y Computacional

[FPU2019] Ecología teórica y Computacional

Our vision is to establish a Versatile forecasting, nowcasting, and tracking system (VEO) serving as an interactive observatory for the generation and distribution of high quality actionable information for evidence-based early warning, risk assessment and monitoring of Emerging InfectiouOur s Diseases and Antimicrobial resistance by public health actors and researchers in the One-Health domain.VEO will be built by an iterative process between data science and technology experts, disease experts from public health and academia, social scientists, and citizen scientists.