Rheology and Texture of Foods (FOODRHEOTEXT)

Rheology and Texture of Foods (FOODRHEOTEXT)

Rheological, structural, thermal and sensorial characterization of foods in order to obtain optimized, stable and standardized textures and qualities. Optimization of the texture of fresh, processed and/or stored (refrigerated and frozen) foods using conventional and emerging technologies.

Main specialization

Quality and Functionality of Plant Foods

Quality and Functionality of Plant Foods

Group formed by two research scientists, a specialized laboratory technician, a hired researcher and personnel in training (BSc, MSc, curricular practices, etc.). Scientific-technical activities: Chemical and biochemical characterization and quality and functionality of plant-derived food and ingredients emphasizing in bioactive compounds (phenolic compounds, carotenoids) and beneficial health properties related to their intake.

Main specialization

Bioactive molecules and biotransformation

Bioactive molecules and biotransformation

Research on bioactive molecules and their biotransformation emphasizing on nitrogen heterocycles, indoles and alkaloids (carbolines). In addition to investigating their presence in foods and medicinal plants, we study their activity as substrates and inhibitors of oxidoreductases, and their involvement in the generation and/or scavenging of free radicals and new toxic and bioactive agents.

Main specialization

Biophysical Aspects of Food, its Processes and Preservation (FoodCRYOPHYS)

Biophysical Aspects of Food, its Processes and Preservation (FoodCRYOPHYS)

This group studies relevant problems in Food Science, from an approach considering the techniques and methods of Biophysics. This group is naturally interdisciplinary, both in the questions studied and in the methodology employed. As a small and emerging group, a large part of its activity is organized around collaborative relations, mainly international.

Main specialization

Non-extractable polyphenols, antioxidants and dietary fibre in health (POLIFIBAN)

Non-extractable polyphenols, antioxidants and dietary fibre in health (POLIFIBAN)

The activity of the research team is focused on the study of certain bioactive compounds present in foods of vegetal origin, such as dietary fibre and polyphenols. As distinctive characteristic, the team studies non-extractable polyphenols or macromolecular antioxidants, as a particular class of these compounds widely distributed in foods and with promising health effects.

Main specialization

Immunonutrition Group

Immunonutrition Group

The team includes two permanent research scientists and two doctors in permanent technical positions.

Main specialization

Nucleic Acids Chemistry Group

Nucleic Acids Chemistry Group

The main activity of the group is focused to the synthesis and use of synthetic oligonucleotides. Specifically, the activity is concentrated in three main areas: 1) the use of RNA and DNA for the inhibition of gene expression, 2) the study of non-canonical DNA structures such as nucleic acids triplex and quadruplex and 3) DNAnanobiotechnology.

Main specialization

Physical Chemistry of Surfactant Systems

Physical Chemistry of Surfactant Systems

The general subject of the research is the physical chemistry of systems based on surfactants. This subject lies within the framework of colloids and nanotechnology in its bottom-up approach and is closely related to Soft Matter. We focus on the dynamics of transformation (emulsification and solubilisation) and the phase behaviour of new surfactants, in particular, those derived from biocompatible natural products. The main techniques are SAXS-WAXS, light scattering, tensiometry, conductivity and selective electrode. The activities of the group belong to the matter area.

Main specialization



The group was first centered on the antioxidant activity of byproducts from the food industry and the generation of extracts and new products. The team widened the scope of its targeted compounds to other natural products: polyunsaturated fatty acids, sugar analogues and oligosaccharides.

Main specialization