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Function of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) in peroxisomal dynamics and signalling in response to stress.
Modulating IYO and ART activity to understand stem cell self-renewal and differentiation in plants
Relating chemical and physical properties of carbonized organic matter to its function as a peat substitute
Study of interaction networks among plants and mycorrhizal fungi and their involvement in the mechanisms regulating plant recruitment.
Conciliating biodiversity and production in cereal agro-ecosystems: Effect of weed diversity on wheat yield
Evolution and diversification in Cucumis. Genetics of domestication, fruit morphology and reproductive barriers
Wild pollinators in extensive crops: impact of pest control practices.
Unravelling the role of subtelomeric sequences involved in specific homologous recognition and pairing during meiosis for chromosome manipulation in wheat breeding
A holistic approach to elucidate below and aboveground signaling in mycorrhiza induced resistance in tomato. Applications to agriculture.
Functional genomics and tomato breeding: Agronomic relevance of the development - abiotic stress balance