Tipo de actividad
Curso de Especialización

Fecha y hora


INCIPIT-CSIC Edificio Fontán, Cidade da Cultura de Galicia
Santiago de Compostela A Coruña

Neuroscience and Archaeology. Eye tracking applications for material record

New ways of exploring human behaviour are being developed based on methodologies and techniques from disciplines such as neuroscience and psychology. Eye tracking is applied in archaeology to investigate how material culture influences the way humans perceive the surrounded world. This course is an introduction to eye tracking methodology and experimental study design for students, archaeology professionals, researchers or interested public who want to approach the analysis of cultural heritage from a multidisciplinary point of view. The course is predominantly practical so that the participant can acquire the necessary skills for the development and analysis of this type of experimental studies.
-    Introduction to Cognitive Archaeology
-    Neuroscience applied to archaeology
-    Visual system, perception and cognition
-    Visual attention and eye movements
-    Fundamentals of eye tracking methodology
-    Experimental design: anthropological
-    perspectives, participants and protocols
-    Research ethics and policy
-    Data management and data analysis
-    Laboratory practices

Dirección: Felipe Criado-Boado / Luis M. Martínez Otero