#CULTURA CIENTÍFICA #Certámenes #Conferencias

Do you like mixing science and literature? ¡Participates in Inspiraciencia!

Hasta el 26 de junio puedes enviar tu relato a la IX edición del certamen del CSIC

Fecha de noticia:

Are You capable of thinking and imagine science from fiction? Or, to put it another way: do you dare to explore realities before imagined not through the literary? The contestInspiracienciaoffers a space open to those who want to mix science and writing in an entertaining way. Driven by the delegation of CSIC in Catalonia, this contest tales of scientific inspiration was celebrating its ninth edition.

‘ Angelic spores ’, ‘ Lightnings bottled ’, ‘ mother volcano ’, ‘ Dear Galileo ’... Are some of the texts sent to Inspiraciencia. If you want inspiration,hereyou can read these and many others.

The requirements for participation are simple: the contest raises short stories,up to 800 wordswith a free theme. Itscience must be present, either as an argument main or secondaryin the story.

Inspiraciencia includes two categories depending on the age: young, for the proposals made by persons aged 12 to 17 years, and adult, which will encompass the work sent by over 18 years. In Addition, who have surplus of scientific inspiration are lucky. The contest allows each participant can submita maximum of four stories, provided that they are originals (beware!, may not have been rewarded nor published in any previously environment) and are written in different languages (Spanish, Catalan, Basque or Galician).

And yes, the stories winners will be rewarded. During September 2019 tindrà lloc l ’ acte de lliurament deprizes.

Search inspiration and feel free to write, the term to participate has been extended until26 June 2019!You can consult the Official Ruleshere.

One more thing: Inspiraciencia are not only the stories. Beyond the contest, the Delegation of CSIC auditorias organizes talks, workshops, exhibitions, proposals to the classroom, readings, etc. to deepen the multifarious relations between science and literature.

Get Involved!

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