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Systems devoid of long-range order

Our activity focuses into the study of systems and processes (usually of interest in Nanoscience) that do not fit within conceptual frameworks paradigmatic of the last century such as thermodynamic equilibrium, long-range order or thermodynamic limit. A characteristic aspect of the group is the complementary use in our scientific studies of neutron scattering together with cutting edge numerical techniques. From such activities naturally grew up a line focused in the development of state of the art instrumentation for neutron scattering installations. Our main driving force here was to stimulate the Spanish industry sector. Such an effort led to the provision of two complete neutron spectrometers as well as parts and components for another eight, all those in service at present. These activities catalysed entrepreneurial developments in the Spanish science industry sector (for instance, Added Value Solutions, AVS enterprise). At present this technological-industrial line is closed
Main specialization
Disciplina ERC:
  • PE3 Condensed Matter Physics
Industrial Leadership:
  • 2. Nanotechnologies
  • 2.1. Developing next generation nanomaterials, nanodevices and nanosystems
Societal Challenges:
  • 3. Secure, clean and efficient energy
  • 3.3. Alternative fuels and mobile energy sources