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New architectures in materials for electrochemical energy storage

The group aims to contribute to energy-related societal challenges by improving electrochemical storage technologies based on its expertise on material science. The team works on the development of materials with controlled microstructure and surface chemistry for use as electrodes, as well as on the understanding of chemical and transport phenomena in the whole device. From a broad experience on aprotic lithium-oxygen batteries, the group has expanded on other metal-air batteries, using both aqueous and organic electrolytes, on systems with soluble or dispersed components with redox, catalytic or conducting functions, as well as on flow cell concepts. The use of flow cell configurations expands the application field from electro-mobility to stationary, scalable systems targeting local storage and load leveling in electrical grids.
Main specialization
Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
  • PE5 Synthetic Chemistry and Materials
Industrial Leadership:
  • 3. Advanced materials
  • 3.2. Materials development and transformation
Societal Challenges:
  • 3. Secure, clean and efficient energy
  • 3.3. Alternative fuels and mobile energy sources