Molecular Pathology and Therapeutics of Ischemic and Atherothrombotic Diseases
The research interest of the group is focused in the study of cardiovascular disease, metabolism, atherosclerosis, atherothrombosis and the ischemic syndromes.
1. Basic Science
. LRP family proteins in chronic diseases.
. Molecular determinants of cardiovascular disease in obesity.
. Identification and characterization of transcription factors and genetic targets. Role of HDL and LDL.
. Vascular impact of ischemia and angiogenesis in heart disease. Cell therapy.
2. Translational Research in Collaboration with Clinical Groups
. Familial hypercholesterolemia and its impact.
. Determinants of disease in stroke patients.
. Obesity and stem cell biology.
. Diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
3. Research in Nutrition
. Partnership with food industry to respond to critical claims on health.
4. Research in Drug Discovery and Biomarkers
. Partnership with pharma companies to identify biomarkers of vascular injury in
drug discovery
Main specialization
Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
- LS4 Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology
Industrial Leadership:
- 7. Other
- 7.1. Other
Societal Challenges:
- 7. Other
- 7.1. Other