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Inflammatory and degenerative diseases

Our group is focused on the study of the mechanisms by which proinflammatory stimuli regulate gene expression and modulate the proliferation, differentiation and survival of different cell types. We are especially interested in the molecular and biological actions of the secreted phospholipase A2, an enzyme involved in inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Most studies conducted to date have focused mainly on its esterase activity, while its contribution to tissue damage due to the ability to trigger intracellular signals and biological responses as result of its interaction with structures / membrane receptors is not well characterized. Another area of interest to us is the identification of anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory properties of natural compounds usually present in the diet.
Main specialization
Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
  • LS4 Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology
Industrial Leadership:
  • 7. Other
  • 7.1. Other
Societal Challenges:
  • 1. Health, demographic change and wellbeing
  • 1.04. Understanding disease