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Galaxy evolution

The main goal of our research focuses in understanding the nearby universe to unravel the early stages of the universe, through observational and theoretical studies of a wide range of problems related to the structure and evolution of galaxies and cosmology, from their stellar and nebular components to their distribution and evolution at cosmological scales. The common thread is the charaterization and modeling of the physical processes that drive star formation and nuclear activity in galaxies, their radiative-mechanical-chemical feedback and their relation with the environment. This research is complemented with an active participation in instrumental development, including the leading role for Spain to join the SKA Organization in 2018. Complementary activities include supervising PhD doctoral studies, teaching Master courses, an active public outreach, and developing Open Science and analysis of Big Data.
Main specialization
Disciplina ERC:
  • PE9 Universe Sciences
Industrial Leadership:
  • 6. Space
  • 6.3. Enabling exploitation of space data
Societal Challenges:
  • 7. Other
  • 7.1. Other