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Advanced Therapies

The Advanced Therapies group applies the latest gene editing, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and organoid technologies to design and validation of new therapies. Our line of work includes the development of new molecular tools to guarantee the safety of in vitro differentiated tissue transplants, the implementation of genomic repair systems for hereditary mutations, and the design of cellular therapies for any disease that could be tackled by modifying the genome of living cells. In particular, we are currently running projects on HIV, Alzheimer¿s disease and Cancer Immunotherapy.
Main specialization
Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
  • LS9 Applied Life Sciences and Non-Medical Biotechnology
Industrial Leadership:
  • 4. Biotechnology
  • 4.1. Boosting cutting-edge biotechnologies as future innovation drivers
Societal Challenges:
  • 1. Health, demographic change and wellbeing
  • 1.01. Understanding the determinants of health, improving health promotion and disease prevention