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Landing at CSIC

This manual aims to be a basic guide to support national and foreign people from outside Spain, who join CSIC through the different access routes, as well as those who carry out research stays, thus contributing to improve the internationalization of the research teams of the institution.

This guide is a guidance document, and in no way replaces the information provided by the competent bodies, which should be consulted in any case. 

If you have any questions about it, you can write to

basic information for the arrival of research staff from abroad

Documentation required in Spain


If you are thinking of coming to Spain, knowing the following documents will make it much easier to plan and organise your stay.

Document checklist


The municipal register is the administrative register where all residents of a municipality must be registered. Any person living in Spain is required to register with the municipality, which is a necessary requirement, among others, to access essential services such as schooling or obtaining a health card

Citizens of countries of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, whose residence in Spain is longer than 90 days, must apply, in person, to the Foreigners Office of the province where they intend to stay or establish their residence or, failing that, to the police station concerned, for their registration in the Central Register of Foreigners, with the corresponding registration certificate being issued.

-Passport, travel document or national identity card or any other proof of identity

-Visa (if necessary), residence and work permit 



-Census certificate

-Social security number

-Public or private medical insurance

-Spanish/European health card

-Academic documents (Application for equivalence/Approval)

-Bank account

-Work contract, hosting agreement or invitation letter

-Medical certificate issued in Spain (in case of formalising an employment contract)

-Electronic certificate

-Family documents (birth certificate, marriage...)

-Driving licence or international licence

*Consult with the relevant authorities on the exact moment of their issuance, as some of them may be issued both before and after their arrival in Spain.

The NIE or foreigner's identity number, is assigned to identify those people who relate to Spain because of their economic, professional or social interests (residence, sign up for an opposition, etc.). It has NO expire date, being a sequence of numbers that begins and ends with a capital letter.

Regardless of nationality, all foreigners must apply directly to the General Directorate of the police, or through the foreigners' offices or police stations.

If you are NOT in Spanish territory at the time of the application, you must request it at the Comisaría General de Extranjería y fronteras, through the Spanish consular offices abroad.

EU, EEA and Swiss citizens, may sign the employment contract with their passport, but within 3 months after the start of the contract, they must provide their NIE, obtained through the certificate in the Central Register of foreigners.

The person concerned, will be responsible for notifying the Social Security General Treasury, of the change of identification document (from passport to NIE).

In the case of non-EU citizens who finally join CSIC, the favourable resolution of their residence, permits will result in the award of a NIE.


The TIE is the foreigner's identification card. It is mandatory for foreigners who have been issued a visa or a residence permit in Spain for a period of more than 6 months. It serves to prove the legal situation in the country, and obtaining it requires having the NIE beforehand.

Your request will be made in person at an immigration office or police station, within 1 month of entry into Spain, or since the authorization is granted or becomes effective, respectively. 

Unlike the NIE, you will have to renew the TIE card, depending on your residence permit.

It will not be necessary, in the case of citizens of EU member countries, EEA and Switzerland  

The electronic certificate is a digital document that will allow you to identify yourself online. It is very useful in Spain, to carry out online procedures safely with the Public Administration and private entities through the Internet, such as electronically signing official documents, presenting yourself for oppositions, consulting the municipal register, filing taxes etc.

You can request it in several different ways, as long as in all of them, you previously have an NIE. Your request can be made in person, or from abroad, following the steps in the following link.

If you are located outside Spain, step 3 of the above link (“Accreditation in person at an identity accreditation office”), you will have to replace it by going in person to a career consular office abroad, of which they are shown in the following link.

Likewise, you also have an option to obtain it with video identification (at an additional cost), and another one using a mobile device.

Finally, the staff already incorporated into the CSIC as a public employee, has the possibility of requesting this certificate with the help of the corresponding service.

Travel documentation and installation


The entry into Spanish territory of citizens of the EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, will be made with the passport or identity document valid and in force and stating the nationality of the holder, WITHOUT the need to obtain the visa.

Possession of a valid passport or identity card under which entry into Spanish territory, has been effected shall be sufficient and shall not be taken into account for the purposes of residence.

These requirements shall also apply to accompanying family members, who are NOT nationals of one of these States, are in possession of a valid and valid passport, and have fulfilled the entry requirements.

Employees or self-employed persons in Spain, students, those who have sufficient resources and family members, are obliged to apply personally to the Aliens Office of the province where they intend to stay or establish their residence or, failing that, to the corresponding Police Station, for their registration in the Central Register of Foreigners .

Such application must be submitted within three months of the date of entry into Spain, and a certificate of registration, must be issued immediately, stating the name, nationality and domicile of the registered person, his foreigner's identity number, and the date of registration.

Employment contracts for this type of personnel may be signed with their passport, but within 3 months of the start of the contract, they must provide their NIE, obtained through the aforementioned registration certificate.

The person concerned, will be responsible for notifying the Social Security General Treasury, of the change of identification document (from passport to NIE).

In the case of family members who are nationals of an EU Member State, EEA and Switzerland, they must apply for registration in the Central Register of Aliens by providing:

  • Up-to-date and, where appropriate, legalised documentary evidence of the family relationship with the Union citizen.
  • Documentation attesting to economic dependence.
  • Documentation that proves that the family member who gives him the right, is either an employee or self-employed person, or that he has sufficient means of living and health insurance, or that he is a student, has sufficient means for himself and for the members of his family and health insurance.

They are required to apply in person for a residence card of a family member who is an EU citizen, within three months from the date of entry into Spain at the Aliens Office of the province where the person concerned intends to remain or take up residence or, failing that, at the relevant police station.

They will fill in the attached form in the previous link, along with the following documentation (original and copy). The card will be issued within 3 months of the submission of the application, having a validity of 5 years from that date. 

Citizens of an EU Member State, or of a State party to the EEA Agreement, as well as family members who are NOT nationals of one of those States, and who have resided legally in Spain for a continuous period of 5 years, are entitled to permanent residence.

To do so, the person concerned must obtain the EU citizenship permanent residence certificate. 

In the case of family members, they may obtain a permanent residence card, either in person or by representation in any public register, by contacting the Aliens Office of the province in which they are resident or, failing that, at the relevant police station.

The issue will be made within 3 months of the date of application, having a validity of 10 years and renewing automatically.

Foreign persons, may be in Spain, in situations of stay or residence.

In both cases, proof of identity must be provided by means of a passport, travel document or national identity card, which must be valid for at least 3 months after the intended date of departure from the Schengen area and must have been issued within 10 years of the date of entry.

For certain nationalities, a visa will be required, not being necessary if you have a foreigner's identity card (TIE) or, exceptionally, a return authorization. Here you can consult a list of countries that require or are exempt from tourist or Schengen visas.

Persons whose economic, professional or social interests relate to Spain shall be provided, for the purposes of identification, with a personal, unique and exclusive number, called NIE, which must appear on all documents issued, except visas, and whose processing is resolved within a maximum period of 5 days from their application.

The stay in Spanish territory, is the stay for a maximum period of 90 days per semestercan be extended provided that the purposes are NOT of work or residence, for a period of 90 days or more, depending on whether the entry was made with or without a visa.

However, in the case of research or training, the duration shall be the same as the activity for which the authorisation was granted, up to a maximum of 1 year.

Remember that, if your stay is longer than 6 months, you have to apply at the immigration office or police station for the TIE card within 1 month of your entry into Spain or since they grant you the authorization.

This type of authorization valid throughout the national territory, must be presented both in the case of an employment contract, and in the case of relations with the CSIC through collaboration agreements, invitation letters and scholarships.

The favourable resolution of the residence permit, will result in the granting of a NIE. Once the permit comes into force, it will be valid for a maximum of 3 years and may be renewed for a further 2 years.

*The steps to obtain it are:

1)Talk to the management of your CSIC center to send the documentation/requirements to the corresponding HR service.

2)HR sends it to the UGE, which will resolve the file in an average time of 20 working days.

3) Once the research residence permit has been issued, you must apply for a visa, in the case of the CSIC, a scientist, at the Spanish   embassy or consular post of the country where you reside. An example of the documents required to apply for a research visa is   attached below.


It will be important for the application for this permit to take into account whether the research project will be carried out only in Spain (national researcher)or you will need mobility through the EU (EU researcher).

*The application to be submitted in order to formalisethe employment contract must contain, in general terms:

  • Updated passport
  • Pre-employment contract
  • Criminal record certificate (issued by the authorities of the country of origin)
  • Descriptive report of the research project


In the case of the documentation to be submitted for collaboration agreements, invitation letter and scholarships, it is the same as in the field of an employment contract, with the following exceptions:

  • Collaboration agreement signed between your home centre and CSIC centre or invitation letter
  • Letter of invitation expressly accepted by the researcher
  • Have a public or private health insurance, with an insurance company authorized to operate in Spain (travel insurance is not valid)
  • Proof of sufficient financial means
  • Commitment of dedication signed by the Principal Investigator and the person concerned


*If you reside abroad, it is advisable NOT to present the certificate of criminal penalties to the Consulate of Spain, until the application for the residence permit is resolved.

Your host CSIC centre must apply for it, being resolved within 30 days and having the duration established in that contract, in accordance with the labour legislation in force at any given time. If you are more than 6 months old, you will have to apply for the TIE card in person.

This type of request is linked to that of the researcher who justifies it. It may be submitted simultaneously with that of the researcher to whom it is linked or retrospectively, together with the following documents:

  • Updated passport
  • Certificate of family bond, translated into Spanish, legalized and with a maximum age of 3 months
  • Criminal record certificate

Working at the CSIC


In this section, you will find information on the most relevant aspects for working and developing professionally at the CSIC.

  • Workplace
  • Title and duration of the research project
  • Wage and signature of both parties
  • Information on mobility, if any
  • Title and estimated duration of the research project
  • Mutual commitment to finalize research
  • Information on mobility, if any
  • Title and estimated duration of the investigation
  • Mutual commitment to finalize research
  • Information on mobility, if any

In order to be able to formalise an employment contract in the CSIC, in the framework of research projects, it is an essential requirement to register in the employment exchange, making a single request in the corresponding modality.

Persons of Spanish nationality, as well as foreign residents or non-residents, may register as long as they have the required qualification and have applied for the homologation or equivalence of their academic degree.

To join a professional group or another, you must take into account the following levels of qualification according to the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education or equivalent:

  • M3: Master
  • M2: Grade
  • M1: Vocational training of senior technician or equivalent specialist technician
  • E2: Medium-level vocational training


*Once you send the online registration through the CSIC website, you must send the generated draft (NOT send the annexes in any case), to the Labor Exchange of the CSIC State Agency, by any of these ways:


1) Electronic certificate: Access using the key system to the State electronic register (new register section; is the fastest method), and by selecting in the search engine, Spanish National Research Council, electronically sign your application.

2) Via post to CSIC job bank, c/Serrano 117,28006 Madrid (very important to sign by hand).

3) Final PDF in digital, signed by hand or with electronic certificate, and send it to the email account

4) Hand delivery at the CSIC Registry, c/Serrano 117, 28006 Madrid.

5) In single registers of city councils, autonomous communities, etc.


In this way, you will already be able to receive through your email, the offers of selective processes in which you are pre-selected, because they fit your profile.

Some of the job offers, are advertised by the CSIC centres as expressions of interest on the EURAXESS portal, and also on the websites of the offering centres.

However, the entire management of the selection process will be carried out following the rules and procedures established in the terms and conditions of the aforementioned employment exchange.

Finally, it may be interesting to use the following search engine for expressions of interest, in the search for research career development opportunities at CSIC.

The homologation of a higher education degree obtained abroad, grants it official validity in Spain, from the date of issuance of the corresponding credential, having the same academic and professional effects as the Spanish title with which it is approved.

Equivalence is a simpler procedure, which implies acceptance for academic purposes, that the training passed to obtain the foreign degree of degree, master or doctorate, is comparable to that required in Spain, as well as to the degrees corresponding to a specific area and field.

The main difference is that homologation entails professional and academic effects, while equivalence is only academic. Performing either of these two procedures is essential both in securities issued within the EU, EEA or Switzerland, as well as in those from third countries.

Here you can find out which regulated professions require homologation.  If you want to know more information, go to the section where to apply for homologation or equivalence.

The formalization of an employment contract in the CSIC through its employment exchange requires having made the request for homologation or equivalence, except in the internship contracts in which it will be necessary to have already grantedeither.

*It is advisable that you apply for academic equivalence, as it is a simpler and sufficient procedure for the aforementioned contractual formalisation, or for the submission of an opposition.

To obtain this equivalence at Master (M3) or Degree (M2) level, you must follow the procedure of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU).

On the other hand, if you want to apply for homologation at the same levels (M3 and M2), you must also go to the MICIU, specifically to the following link.


If you need the recognition of equivalence of your doctoral degree, the body responsible for issuing it will be any Spanish public or private university on the following list, provided that they have in their teaching programmes a doctoral degree comparable to the one they intend to recognise.

Each of them has its own specific process, being generally the required documents, very similar to each other.

Some of the documents to be submitted will require an official translation into Spanish. In the previous link, you have a list by countries, so you can select the one that best suits your case!

*In order to apply through the CSIC exchange for professional groups M1 and E2 (non-university training), only the homologation shall be valid. In this case, you will have to go to the procedure of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.

Foreign public documents capable of producing effects in Spain, except for exceptions contemplated in some international conventions or EU regulations, must be legalized and translated into Spanish

Legalization is an administrative act granting validity to a foreign public document which is intended to have effects, in this case in Spain. Normally, it does not have an expiration date, but if the document issued has a limited duration, legalization will also have it. 

The body in charge of carrying out the legalisation will be the Spanish consular office in the country issuing the document, always bearing in mind that in the case of countries signing the Hague Convention legalisation will NOT be followed, but the apostille procedure, before the the competent authorities of the country issuing the document.

*Not legalisation or apostille is required for academic documents issued by EU Member States, signatories to the EEA Agreement or Switzerland.

In any procedure of homologation or equivalence of documents related to academic degrees of Degree, Master or Doctorate, the application for legalization must be initiated by the interested person, accompanied by the corresponding documentation, and completing the following steps:

  • Diplomatic legalization by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the foreign country issuing the documentation.
  • Once the first step has been completed, it must be legalised before the Spanish consular office in that foreign country.


Keep in mind that if the country issuing your title is a signatory to Hague Convention what you will have to do is only apostill it before the competent authorities of that country, being a simpler procedure.

*Not legalization or apostille is required for academic documents issued by EU Member States, signatories to the EEA Agreement or Switzerland.

In the event that the documents need to be translated, there are the following 3 ways:

1st Spanish Embassy or Consulate AbroadAfter translation, they must be legalized by MAEUEC                                            
2nd Embassy or consulate in Spain, of the country issuing the documentPrior to translation, they must be legalized by MAEUEC
3rd Official sworn translationOriginal documents must always be legalized or apostilled, but official sworn translations do not need to be legalized by the MAEUEC

*MAEUEC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs European Union and Cooperation

*Obtaining the R3 certificate (established researcher), means in Spain a recognition of excellence and quality, allowing the exemption or compensation of evidence, in access to stable public employment positions as a full scientist and permanent staff, in Public Research Organizations.

It is granted to those who obtain a favorable evaluation by the State Research Agency, after the first 2 years of postdoctoral contract.

Traineeship                                                                                                                                        Internship training contract
  • Duration from 6 months to 1 year
  • Part-time or full-time. Formalized in maximum 3 years after completing studies
  • Allows to combine studies and work
  • Duration from 3 months to 2 years

If you are interested in knowing all the national, European or regional research development opportunities to come to Spain, I recommend downloading the following guide.

The following table shows an example of some options in the above-mentioned guide, along with new ones. They can be a good opportunity to join the CSIC. 

PREDOCTORAL                                           POSDOCTORAL


JAE Programme


Inphinit La Caixa

Aid for the training of doctors


Aids Juan de la Cierva

Ramón y Cajal grants

the ATRAE Program



PTA (university degree/professional training)

Talent return programme Ramón Areces

La Caixa Junior Leader Scholarships

*For technical research staff, there are PTA grants.

In Public Research Organisations (including CSIC), research, technical and management staff can become 3 types of public employees: career civil servants, interim civil servants and staff (fixed, permanent and temporary).

A research career development option may be to apply for public employment positions for these bodies, convened annually by the government of Spain.

They are published in the Official State Gazette (BOE), and the calls for applications, can be accessed through the corresponding section of the CSIC website.

The general requirements for submitting an opposition are as follows:

  • Nationality
  • Capacity: Functional capacity to perform tasks
  • Age: Be at least 16 years of age and not exceed the maximum age of compulsory retirement
  • Enabling: Not having been separated by disciplinary proceedings from any of the Public Administrations, not belonging to the same body or scale to which he is presented and not being disqualified from public office by judicial decision
  • Qualification: Possess the required degree in the specific bases of the call


In the following sections, you can see in more detail, the different scales of public research organisations, and how to access them.

Finally, in compliance with the obligation to submit electronically the instances of participation, if you are abroad, you can submit your application through the corresponding Spanish diplomatic or consular representations.

The scientific or research staff scales can be defined as those whose activities are specific to a specific profession.

To participate in these selection processes, you must meet the following requirements:

  • General requirements as outlined in the basic information section above
  • Possession of the doctoral degree, with the homologation or equivalence already granted in the case of foreigners, on the day of completion of the submission of applications
  • Meet at least one of the following nationality requirements:


1) Spanish nationality.

2) Nationals of other Member States of the European Union.

3) Third-country nationals who are members of the family of Spaniards or nationals of other Member States of the European Union under the terms established by the specific regulations in this area.

4) Foreigners who are regularly in Spanish territory.

5) Foreign persons included in the scope of the International Treaties concluded by the European Union and ratified by Spain to which the free movement of workers applies, in accordance with the provisions of Article 57.1 of the consolidated text of the Law on the Basic Statute of Public Employees


Access will be open to all persons covered by the different forms of employment contract (except pre-doctoral), the selective system being the merit competition, based on the assessment of the personal curriculum.


If you want to know more about these calls, click on the link above and look for the one that interests you!

  • Free time: Access to anyone who meets the general and specific requirements of the call


  • Internal promotion: Access for career civil servants who have served a minimum of 2 years of active service on the provenance scale
  • Contest of merits 

Staff at technical scales also carry out activities specific to a specific profession or subject.

To participate in these selection processes, you must meet the following requirements:

  • General requirements as outlined in the section on basic information
  • Meet at least one of the nationality requirements indicated under the heading “Scales of research staff” (NOT applicable in these cases requirement d))
  • Have the specific qualification indicated in the call, already approved or equivalent in case of foreigners on the day of completion of submission of applications.


In the following images, you can appreciate the different existing technical scales, as well as the various access possibilities:



ACCESS SYSTEMS                                                                                                                                                SELECTIVE SYSTEMS
  • Free time: Access to anyone who meets the general and specific requirements of the call
  • Internal promotion: Access for career civil servants who have served a minimum of 2 years of active service on the provenance scale                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  • Opposition (selective tests)
  • Competition (selective tests+merits)

If you want to know more about these calls, click on the link above and look for the one that interests you!

 *Likewise, by internal promotion, you will be able to access from the scale of specialized superior technician, to the scale of titular scientific personnel.

Living in Spain


Knowing the key aspects of living in Spain, will help you to be included and integrated effectively in everyday life.

Accommodation in Spain may vary depending on the city, length of stay and individual preferences. When planning your trip, you must take into account the different options available such as university residences, rental of apartments or flats, hotels, hostels etc.

There are many operators and real estate search engines easily accessible on the internet, through which you can find available homes, information on the requirements to rent in Spain, which are the cheapest areas and some useful tips.

Likewise, if you want to know the most important characteristics of an indicative rental contract, or some frequently asked questions, click on the following link of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda.

Finally, CSIC has a series of residences (or is part of the entities that manage it), in which support is offered to the research community during their temporary stays in cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Rome.

The National Health System (SNS) is the set of health services of the State Administration and the Autonomous Communities applicable to both Spanish citizens and foreigners, regardless of whether or not they have a legal residence permit.

It mainly highlights its public funding, universality and gratuity.

It is organized into two levels of care: Primary care provided through health centres and specialised care provided through hospitals and specialised care centres.

To formalise an employment contract, a medical certificate issued in Spain, must be obtained in person.

The forms can be obtained in pharmacies. The procedure is simple, and must be initiated up to 6 months before the start of the contract.

In the following link, you can consult the requirements of ownership of the right to health protection.

The individual health card is the administrative document identifier of the SNS. You must request it once the right to health care has been recognized and obtained the census certificate, and pick it up at the health center assigned to your home.

It is a personal and non-transferable document free of charge to receive health care during a temporary stay in the territory of the EEA, the United Kingdom or Switzerland, regardless of whether the purpose of your stay is tourism, professional activity or studies.

There are several ways of requesting it, delivered to your home, within a maximum period of 5 days, having a validity of 2 years.

In Spain, medicines are only dispensed in pharmacies, usually through a prescription included in the health card. 

Pharmaceutial services, include medicines and products at the lowest possible cost.

Medicinal products prescribed through the SNS may be subsidised in whole or in part.

Researchers who need compulsory private health insurance to obtain residence authorization must obtain it in one of the options available in the following search engine.

On the other hand, during your stay in Spain, there are numerous private insurance companies with a variety of benefits, which can provide you with service.

The opening of a bank account in Spain for foreigners is possible both for residents, as well as in some cases and entities, for those who are NOT. In general, you will need the following documents:

  • Identity: Passport or national identity card, NIE and in case of non-residence, a certificate attesting to it
  • Activity: Registration of studies, collaboration agreement, research etc.
  • Address: Rental or registration contract


The opening process is quite fast and usually takes between 1-5 days to activate. Most of it can be processed online, but in the end, you will have to go to your branch to finish the process personally. Please note that banks are usually open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 14:00.

On the internet, there are numerous options and comparators to choose bank.

In Spain, taxes are divided into direct and indirect. Some of them are shown in the following tables. In the first, you will see the most important for working individuals and their main characteristics:

Personal income tax (IRPF)
  • Usual residence in Spain according to family and personal circumstances
  • Calculator 2024 (official)
Income tax for non-residents (IRNR)
  • Income obtained in Spain by natural persons and non-resident entities
  • General rate 25%
Valid tax added (VAT)
  • Consumption, supply of goods and provision of services
  • Overall rate 21%
Tax on transfers of assets and documented legal acts
  • Loans, leases, bonds etc.


Tax residence and permanent establishment are the determining factors in the case of personal income tax and personal income tax respectively.

As a researcher, it is interesting to know whether or not the country of origin has a double taxation convention. In the following list, you can see all the existing ones.

The social security number, is the one that identifies you in relations with this body, being mandatory among other reasons, to be able to work or be included in the health system.

If the application is for hire or reward, it must always be made by the contracting authority itself. 

If you want to know all the different benefits in Spain (personal, family, health, etc.) on certain states of need, click on the link.

The Spanish education system is divided into several mandatory stages from 6 to 16 years, with free public education centers and also private centers in their entirety, or concerted supported in part with public funds.

In the following links, you will be able to know its main characteristics and information about education in different Autonomous Communities. Also if you want to get a joint and more visual idea, I leave you the following organizational chart.


If you come with a family and need to get a place in a kindergarten, you should know that there are both public and private kindergartens.

Depending on your place of residence and the option chosen, factors such as organization, cost or operation may vary.

In CSIC, there is a nursery school, to which you can take the little ones, with interesting discounts for working staff.

Spain is a country characterised by its high quality of life, both for its own citizens and for foreigners who decide to live in it.

We have culture as a lifestyle, with endless tourist attractions and places to get lost. Sea, mountain and nature, come together in a fascinating geography and landscape, which will lead you to want to explore every corner.

If you want to become familiar with Spanish , a language historically and universally spoken throughout the world, I recommend you to ask in the information offices of your town hall or Autonomous Community, for the courses they offer, some of them free, or you can also start with one of the free online courses, offered by the EU!

The cost of living may vary depending on the geographical area where you are. On the internet there are numerous databases, in which you can select a specific city in Spain, and obtain estimates on the price of food, accommodation and transport, among others.

At CSIC, we have a Social Action Plan, with interesting grants for studies, health, public transport, etc.

If you want to know how to travel in Spain, in different means of transport, the following practical information can help you to know the distances and connections between the main cities of the country. Once in each city or region, keep in mind that each has its own public transport system with specific rates

Once you start your life in Spain, it is important to know what the existing telephone companies are and what type of services and internet they offer.

There are numerous websites to know all the existing options, as well as others in which a comparison is offered, to help you choose which one is best for you.