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Marie Slodowska Curie (MSCA)

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) are key initiatives of the European Union aimed at promoting training, mobility, and professional development for outstanding researchers at an international level.


One of Horizon 2020 objectives is to increase the level of excellence in European basic science and ensure a steady flow of quality research to ensure Europe's long-term competitiveness.

The excellence and experience of CSIC in these programs places us as the first Spanish institution in number of MSCA . MSCA researchers can develop their projects in any field of knowledge with highly competitive salary conditions.

Our experience in MSCA


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) fund projects for all stages of the career of researchers, whether they are PhD students or experienced researchers, and encourage transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. MSCAs allow host organizations (universities, research centers such as CSIC and companies) to incorporate talented foreign researchers and create strategic alliances with leading institutions around the world.

CSIC is the first Spanish institution to receive funds and the number of shares awarded in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie program (MSCA).

Of the total funding received by the CSIC of the Framework Program, the MSCA occupy the second place with more than 20% of the total.

Regarding the number of actions, the CSIC in FP7 had a total of 267 projects and in H2020 it has more than one hundred and sixty shares awarded.


Individual Fellowships (IF):

They aim to improve the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers of any nationality, through individual projects.

CSIC in FP7 has participated in a total of 179 individual projects and so far participates in more than one hundred individual projects of H2020.

Innovative Training Networks (ITN):

They are international training networks of public and private centers that aim to create a new generation of excellent and innovative researchers, capable of transforming knowledge and ideas into products and services for the economic and social benefit of the European Union.

CSIC in FP7 has participated in a total of 54 ITN projects and so far participates in more than forty MSCA ITN of H2020.

Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE):

Exchange networks of research and innovative personnel among public and private entities seeking international, intersectoral and cross-border collaboration in R&D&I.

CSIC in FP7 has participated in a total of 28 IRSES and IAPP projects and so far participates in almost twenty RISE of H2020.


COFUND actions (Co-funding of regional, national and International Programmes) are a co-financing mechanism that provides additional financial support to mobility programs for regional and national research, while NIGHT actions (European Researchers' Night) are actions whose mission is to bring research and researchers closer to the general public. It is celebrated annually throughout Europe on the fourth Friday of September.

In H2020 CSIC coordinates a COFUND and, as for NIGHT, in 7PM CSIC has participated in five projects and so far participates in three of H2020.

CSIC as Host institution for your MSCA

For more information on the advantages of requesting an MSCA action with CSIC, the following files can be downloaded:

Call CSIC extension MSCA IF

Infografía MSCA

The CSIC has its own call, promoted by the Vice-Presidency for International Relations (VRI) for the extension of MSCA IF-ERC projects. This call offers the possibility of extending MSCA Individual Fellowships (IF) projects for a period of 18 months, with the aim of improving the attraction and retention of talent in the CSIC through the achievement of projects in future calls of the European Research Council (ERC).

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Expresión de interés Tipo de expresión Área Instituto Modalidad
JAEPRE23 -46: Diseño y desarrollo de imanes permanentes cerámicos más sostenibles Doctorado: Propuesta de dirección de tesis con contrato predoctoral ("Job Offer" u "Oferta de Empleo) Materia INSTITUTO DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO Bolsa de Trabajo: Contrato predoctoral
JAEPRE23 -01: Descubrimiento sostenible de catalizadores con inteligencia artificial y química computacional Doctorado: Propuesta de dirección de tesis con contrato predoctoral ("Job Offer" u "Oferta de Empleo) Materia INSTITUTO DE SINTESIS QUIMICA Y CATALISIS HOMOGENEA Bolsa de Trabajo: Contrato predoctoral
JAEPRE23 -19: Real-time Monte Carlo simulations of clinical proton therapy treatments in highly parallel architectures Doctorado: Propuesta de dirección de tesis con contrato predoctoral ("Job Offer" u "Oferta de Empleo) Materia INSTITUTO DE FISICA CORPUSCULAR Bolsa de Trabajo: Contrato predoctoral
JAEPRE23 -13: Una visión del espacio de posibilidades que abren las aplicaciones digitales de salud en España. Doctorado: Propuesta de dirección de tesis con contrato predoctoral ("Job Offer" u "Oferta de Empleo) Sociedad INSTITUTO DE FILOSOFIA Bolsa de Trabajo: Contrato predoctoral
JAEPRE23 -42: Mecanismos moleculares del desarrollo embrionario ovino Doctorado: Propuesta de dirección de tesis con contrato predoctoral ("Job Offer" u "Oferta de Empleo) Vida Bolsa de Trabajo: Contrato predoctoral
JAEPRE23 -12: Implicaciones medioambientales y socioeconómicas de la digitalización de la agricultura española como objetivo transversal de la PAC Doctorado: Propuesta de dirección de tesis con contrato predoctoral ("Job Offer" u "Oferta de Empleo) Sociedad INSTITUTO DE ECONOMIA, GEOGRAFIA Y DEMOGRAFIA Bolsa de Trabajo: Contrato predoctoral
PIF2024 - Creating food concepts with new identity from sustainable ingredients: barriers, expectations and solutions (PID2023-146123OB-C31) Doctorado: Propuesta de dirección de tesis doctoral/temática para solicitar ayuda predoctoral ("Hosting Offer o EoI") Vida INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores (antiguas FPI)
TFG: Funcionalización de las cápsides de TrV Grado: Dirección de Trabajos de fin de grado (TFG) Vida INSTITUTO BIOFISIKA
Sistemas nanoestructurados dirigidos basados en conjugados fármaco-oligoetilenglicol con aplicación al cáncer de colon avanzado Máster: Dirección de Trabajos de fin de master (TFM) Materia INSTITUTO DE QUIMICA AVANZADA DE CATALUÑA
JAEPRE23 - 38 Personalized immunotherapy for glioblastoma: interaction between immune checkpoints, tumor microenvironment and tumor metabolism Doctorado: Propuesta de dirección de tesis con contrato predoctoral ("Job Offer" u "Oferta de Empleo) Vida INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES BIOMEDICAS SOLS-MORREALE Bolsa de Trabajo: Contrato predoctoral