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José Luis Villar Palasí

Imagen presidente

He is the author of numerous works published in Spanish and international journals and several books related to administrative law, his main area of expertise.

His first steps in the administration were linked to technical and legal positions: Lawyer for the Council of State (1947), Attorney to the Instituto Nacional de Previsión (1950), Secretary General (1952-1957) and Deputy Secretary at the Ministry of Information and Tourism (1957-1962), and Deputy Secretary at the Ministry for Trade (1962-1965).

In 1961 he took up a teaching post at the National School of Public Administration and a few years later (1965) started his university career at the Chair of Administrative Law at the University of Madrid.

His connection to CSIC began when he was appointed to the "Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo" board of trustees (1969) and continued with his subsequently taking responsibility for the management of the Institute of Administrative Law (1973-1980).

He was Minister for Education and Science from 1968 to 1973.

He took part in the Assembly of the United Nations Organisation on four occasions.


He is a member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation (1975) and a corresponding member of the Saint Isabel Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Seville. He is also a member of various associations specialising in Law: Financial Law Association, European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research.

He holds the Grand Cross of the Order of Cisneros (1959).

