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José Elguero Bertolini

Imagen presidente

During this period he earned a doctorate in chemistry from the Universities of Montpellier (1961) and Madrid (1977). In 1979 he joined the CSIC’s Medical Chemistry Institute.

His fields of specialisation are hetercyclical chemistry, spectroscopy, chemical theory and physical organic chemistry.

He wrote of over a thousand publications in his field, and is a member of the Advisory Board of 12 scientific journals. He also collaborated on numerous outreach activities from various platforms specialising in this activity. He has taken part in various bodies relating to scientific and educational activity: Chairman of the Social Council of the Madrid Autonomous University (1986-1990), Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Community of Madrid (1990-1995), Member of the Board of Governors of the CSIC. He is also trustee of the Residencia de Estudiantes and the Fundación General de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

He is a member of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences (2004). His scientific activity has also been recognised with a number of awards: "Schutzenberger" award from the Société Chimique de France (1968), Gold Medal of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (1984), Solvay Award from the CEOE (1988), "Ramón y Cajal" National Scientific Research Award (1993), Gold Medal of the University of Marseille (France), "Miguel Catalan" Award from the Autonomous Community of Madrid (2005) and CSIC Silver Medal (2006).

He has also been awarded a number of honorary degrees: Madrid Autonomous University (1999), University of Castile-La Mancha, University of Alcalá de Henares (2000), University of Zaragoza, University of St. Petersburg (Russia) and University of Marseille (France).

He holds the Commendation of the Civil Order of Alfonso X The Wise.

