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Gender Equality Plans at CSIC

Since 2013, CSIC is developing Equality Plans to foster equality between men and women within the organization. The in-force plan stablishes specific measures to guarantee equality for employment, traineeship, promotion and remuneration, as well as prevent sexual and gender-based harassment.

On march 2022, CSIC approved the 3rd Equality Plan between CSIC women and men, taking III plan as a reference for Gender Equality in AGE and its public bodies, that includes for the first time, cross-cutting measures and frame inside European and United Nations regulation and action plans in terms of Gender Equality.

In the 3rd CSIC plan, 49 measures distributed into 7 axes have been distributed where impact indicators have been included to value the results of the plan and need for accountability.

These are the following axes:

  1. Instrumental measures for an organizational structure.
  2. Awareness-raining, training and capacity building.
  3. Working conditions and professional development. 
  4. Co-responsibility and reconciliation of personal, family and working life.
  5. Violence against women.
  6. Intersectionality and special protection situations.
  7. Gender/sex perspective inclusion in research.

This 3rd Plan from CSIC pursues: measure to improve, further promoting cultural and organizational change, gender transversality and early detection and comprehensive approach of direct and indirect gender based due to discriminatory situations, and inclusion of gender perspective in research.

Also, in 2023, work has begun on the evaluation and follow-up of the CSIC’s Third Plan on Equality between Women and Men, in order to know its success degree and, if applicable, reformulate the objectives, indicators and measures set. 

The CDI within the framework of its works, created and approved on December 2013 the Equality Plan between CSIC women and men, as a result of a reflection process about the existing needs to guarantee effective equality.  

2nd Plan for Equality between Women and Men in CSIC State Agency (26/11/2015-31/03/2022):

1st Plan for Equality between Women and Men in CSIC State Agency (17/12/2013 - 25/11/2015):

Situation Diagnosis for the Design and Implementation of Equality Plans at the CSIC:

AGE 3rd Equality Plan

3rd Equality Plan 3rd  Plan for Equality between Women and Men in AGE and its Public Bodies