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Mostrando resultados 50851 - 50860 de 54794.

Resultados de la búsqueda

Since its formation the Group has a multidisciplinary nature, oriented to the molecular and immunological characterization of functional genes and…
Desde su formación el Grupo ha tenido un carácter multidisciplinar, orientado a la caracterización molecular, inmunológica y funcional de genes y…
The AUTOMATIC CONTROL group develops basic and applied research in automatic control, with special emphasis on modelling, control and supervision of…
The Perception and Manipulation Group aims to improve the sensing, planning and learning capabilities of robots to increase their autonomy and ease…
The research activities of the mobile robotics group are aimed to endow mobile robots and ubiquitous computing devices the necessary skills to aid…
The main goal of the Glycosystems Laboratory is the study in detail of the biologically relevant recognition processes involving carbohydrates, with…
El Laboratorio de Glicosistemas tiene como objetivo fundamental el estudio en profundidad de los procesos de reconocimiento molecular de interés…
The Research team focus the activity under the motto “Carbohydrates for Health and Wellness: Glycodrugs, Glycotransportes and Glycobiotics…
El Grupo centra su actividad en torno a la temática "Carbohidratos para la Salud y el Bienestar: Glicofármacos, Glicotransportadores y Glicobióticos…