Soil and water conservation in agroecosystems

Soil and water conservation in agroecosystems

The research of the Group is oriented to the study and resolution of problems related to the use and conservation of soil and water resources in agroecosystems. To this end, activities are focused on the characterization of soil properties and processes affecting soil quality and sustainability (soil hydrophysical properties, soil organic matter and soil structure).

Main specialization

Functionality and Ecology of Beneficial Microbes

Functionality and Ecology of Beneficial Microbes

The main objective of the group MICROHEALTH focuses on clarifying the functions of beneficial microorganisms related to food and health. We have the knowledge and technology required for the analysis of microbiotas and microbiomes, as well as for the isolation and characterization of intestinal and food bacteria to be used in biotechnological processes that contribute to improve food quality and safety, human health and sustainable food systems.

Main specialization

Evolutionary Systems

Evolutionary Systems

The group focuses on the study of molecular evolution using different approaches based on formal methodologies.

Main specialization

Tuberculosis Genomics Unit

Tuberculosis Genomics Unit

At the Tuberculosis Genomics Unit (TGU) we combine evolutionary, epidemiological, functional and genomic analyses to understand the biology pathogens of global health importance. We very much focis on the causative agents of human tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium africanum. Furthermore, we are also moving towards integrated host-pathogen “omics” approaches. Our final aim is to find new ways to fight the disease.

Main specialization

Stem Cell Molecular Genetics Unit

Stem Cell Molecular Genetics Unit

Stem cells are considered an unlimited source of material for cell replacement therapies, holding great promise in regenerative medicine. Spermatogonial stem cells are the adult stem cells responsible for maintaining spermatogenesis through the entire life of an organism. Our group is interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal and differentiation, as dysfunctions in stem cell regulation might lead to male infertility as well as to testicular malignancies.

Main specialization

Redox Homeostasis

Redox Homeostasis

Our group is involved in two complementary working lines: 1) Role of redox homeostasis in neurodegenerative disease models 2) Redox control of neuronal function

Main specialization

Bioactive proteins and peptides

Bioactive proteins and peptides

The members of the group are experts in food microbiology, microbial biotechnology of filamentous fungi and yeasts, and in the characterization of peptides and bioactive proteins.

Main specialization

Protein Design and Engineering

Protein Design and Engineering

The protein design and engineering group is focused in the study and optimization of proteins for different biotecnological applications. We are mainly interested in proteins involved in the synthesis of triglycerides and fatty acids.These added-value compounds for human as well as animal comsumption. We are also interested in DNA-modifiying proteins that could be used in the lab for the genetic modification of bacteria and other organisms. These studies will be mainly undertaken by protein crystallography. Protein engineering tools are being used for protein optimization.

Main specialization

DNA replication and Genome Integrity

DNA replication and Genome Integrity

Understanding the mechanisms that preserve the integrity of eukaryotic genomes during chromosome replication, thus counteracting the accumulation of mutations and gross structural rearrangements driving malignant transformation.

Main specialization