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Optolectronics on high refractive index nanocavities. From silicon to perovskites
Ceramic-metal composites and W-base refractory alloys for applications under severe service conditions: microstructural design and alternative processing routes
Developement of new EMD coatings for windows with controlable transmission
Innovative and sustainable solutions for limiting cracking in concrete elements.
Synthesis of ecoeficient and superinsulating cement based composites through the valorization of waste materials and by-products containing high contents of silica and silica-alumina
Target-based and phenotypic approaches for the discovery of novel drugs against African and American trypanosomiases
Immunochemical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies based on the Quorum Sensing System
Targeting CB2 receptors, PPAR-gamma signalling, GPR55, and GPR18 with new designed chemical entities
Drosophila as a model system to study tumorigenesis and regeneration
Development of crystallographic methods (V) and their application to advanced catalysis