The Plant Development Genetics Group (DEVOLEG)

The Plant Development Genetics Group (DEVOLEG)

In recent years, the MBG-CSIC has made notable advances in genetics and improvement of crops of agricultural interest, in aspects that affect plant growth, as well as the production and quality of the crop, and its adaptation to the environment.

Main specialization

Packaging Group

Packaging Group

Development of new materials, mixtures, structures and coatings for packaging applications that improve food stability and reduce environmental impact. Characterization of the functional properties of packaging materials with especial attention to food/package interaction issues (permeation, sorption, scalping, migration, release). Study, development and design of new packaging technologies including Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and active and intelligent packaging (smart packaging).

Main specialization

Bionanomechanics Lab (B-nano)

Bionanomechanics Lab (B-nano)

The Bionanomechanics Group ( develops ultra-sensitive analytical tools for biomedicine inspired by unique phenomena occurring at the boundary between optics and mechanics at the micro- and nanoscale. The group's research ranges from the discovery of new physical phenomena in bio-interface to their technological exploitation for a relevant biomedical problem. In this effort, the group has expertise in physics, optical instrumentation, biofunctionalization, mechanobiology and biophysics.

Main specialization

Synthetic Methodology and New Building blocks

Synthetic Methodology and New Building blocks

The Synthetic Methodology group, created at IQAC-CSIC in 2018, aims to developing state-of-the-art synthetic tools to reinforce and complement IQAC's ability to rapidly address societal challenges. The group is led by Dr. Aexandr Shafir, who after completing his doctorate and post-doctorate stages in the USA (Berkeley, MIT), developed his research career in Spain, first at the UAB (Barcelona), and then as Group Leader at ICIQ (Tarragona), prior to joining CSIC. The group aims to develop new classes of reactions and reagents to enable the formation of C-C and C-heteroatom bonds.

Main specialization

Clocks and Rulers in Life

Clocks and Rulers in Life

Life is dynamics. Living beings are out of equilibrium systems constantly changing. We can observe the dynamical nature of life in the beating of a heart, the propagation of a nervous impulse, or the flowering of a plant. Our lab is specially interested in dynamics that show regularities: oscillations when the regularity is in time (clocks); pattern formation when the regularity is in space (rulers).

Main specialization

Nanomedicine and Molecular Imaging

Nanomedicine and Molecular Imaging

NanoMedMol group works on the application of chemistry and nanomedicine for the development of imaging-active nanomaterials and in vitro sensors. From Iron oxide and gold nanoparticles to bioorthogonal chemistry with the main goal of getting an enhanced diagnosis and therapy in atherosclerosis and pulmonary hypertension.

Main specialization

Viral Immunology: Therapies and Vaccines

Viral Immunology: Therapies and Vaccines

In the last decades, the mouse model tremendously contributed to the progress of research in immunology. The need for translational immunological research, the development of new animal models more adapted to the scientific question, and the acquisition of new knowledge in comparative immunology is increasing in importance every year. The main aim of the group is to provide insights into immunological host-pathogen interactions by studying pigs¿ immune system in the context of natural relevant viral infections, such as Influenza virus (IV) or African swine fever virus (ASFV).

Main specialization

Metabolism and Cell Signaling

Metabolism and Cell Signaling

Our team investigates how cellular metabolic and bioenergetic fluxes interact with signaling processes to coordinate the growth and normal functioning of cells and tissues. We study these interaction mechanisms at the molecular and cellular level, and how they are deregulated during cancer.

Main specialization