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Experimental Neutrino Physics

Experimental Neutrino Physics

This research line studies the intrinsic properties of the neutrino. The group studies the phenomenon of oscillations between neutrino families, measuring the parameters that define such oscillations. It also tries to elucidate the nature of the neutrino, namely whether the neutrino is a Majorana or a Dirac fermion. IFIC leads the NEXT experiment searching for neutrino-less double beta decay, whose detection would imply that neutrinos are Majorana particles.
Main specialization

Medical Physics Group

Medical Physics Group

The activities of the Medical Physics group are devoted to the biomedical applications of particle and nuclear physics.
Main specialization

Black holes, cosmology, gravitational waves and quantum gravity

Black holes, cosmology, gravitational waves and quantum gravity

Research focused in the interphase between gravity and quantum theory. Mainly concerning quantum black holes, acoustic black holes, cosmology, gravitational waves, and quantum gravity. Our research is strongly related with: quantum field theory in curved spacetime, modified gravity and the general theory of spacetime deformations.
Main specialization

Advanced phenomenology of elementary particles and fundamental interactions at large colliders and flavour factories

Advanced phenomenology of elementary particles and fundamental interactions at large colliders and flavour factories

Theoretical group with an internationally recognized experience in the physics and phenomenology of elementary particles and fundamental interactions at large colliders (high-energy frontier) and flavour factories (high-intensity frontier). Pioneering group in the application of Effective Field Theories and higher-order perturbative methods in Quantum Field Theories to the analysis and interpretation of experimental data.
Main specialization

Ecology and Evolution

Ecology and Evolution

Islands have been considered as the best natural laboratories for the study of plant and animal evolution. Their evolutionary uniqueness and isolation make island dwellers prone to extinction in a scenario of climatic change and biodiversity crisis. Insular taxa form simplified communities, where ecological relationships and evolutionary processes can be studied more easily than on the continent. The Balearic Islands are particularly vulnerable to global change and human perturbations.
Main specialization

Inner Ear Development and Regeneration

Inner Ear Development and Regeneration

We are interested in several aspects of the physiology and pathofisiology of the auditory organ, including its development, damage and degeneration of auditory neurons and hair cells, and gene and cell therapy for the inner ear. At the molecular level we are focusing on members of the neurotrophin and Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) gene families, and several transcription factors. To analyse the functions of these gene families in vivo we are using transgenic mouse models. These experiments are complemented with in vitro studies using primary cell cultures.
Main specialization

Development and degeneration of the nervous system

Development and degeneration of the nervous system

In our laboratory we aim at understanding the mechanisms underlying NERVOUS SYSTEM development, understanding DEVELOPMENT as the whole process in an organism life: from embryonic development to aging. We are also interested in the processes of NEURODEGENERATION. We have centered our research efforts in the analysis of a particular family of proteins, the LIPOCALINS, and in the members of this family that are expressed in the nervous system at key moments during DEVELOPMENT.
Main specialization

Splicing and genetic susceptibility to cancer

Splicing and genetic susceptibility to cancer

Pre-mRNA processing or splicing is an essential step of eukaryotic gene expression, where the spliceosome removes introns and exons are sequentially joined . A high proportion of genetic diseases are associated to splicing anomalies of responsible genes. Our main interest is focused on the study of the correlation between aberrant splicing of tumor suppressor genes and susceptibility to breast/ ovarian cancer (BC/OC), as well as the study of the regulatory mechanisms of this process.
Main specialization

Molecular Genetics of Hereditary Cancer

Molecular Genetics of Hereditary Cancer

The group launched the molecular diagnosis of breast / ovarian cancer and hereditary colorectal cancer using the technique HA_CAE. In addition to the clinical diagnosis, the group has developed several research projects based on the characterization of founder mutations, variants of unknown effect and analysis of the promoter regions of genes. There have been several doctoral theses and published more than twenty publications on the work performed.
Main specialization

Gene targeting

Gene targeting

Study of the experimental conditions that will increase the frequency of gene targeting in human cells by testing different viral vectors and modifying the expression of key protein in the repair of DNA lesions by using fusion proteins and specific siRNAs. We will use the most effective methods to correct mutations in primary cells from patients with monogenic diseases, particularly certain primary immunodeficiencies.
Main specialization