Handbook of field sampling for multi-taxon biodiversity studies in European forests
Understanding the complexity of mixed forest functioning and management: Advances and perspectives
Spontaneous forest regrowth in South-West Europe: Consequences for nature's contributions to people
Modelling approaches for mixed forests dynamics prognosis. Research gaps and opportunities
Tree allometry variation in response to intra- and inter-specific competitions
Analysis of tree interactions in a mixed Mediterranean pine stand using competition indices
Long-term impacts of drought on growth and forest dynamics in a temperate beech-oak-birch forest
Drought modifies tree competitiveness in an oak-beech temperate forest
Resin-tapped pine forests in Spain: Ecological diversity and economic valuation
Forest management and carbon sequestration in the Mediterranean region: A review
Climate and species functional traits influence maximum live tree stocking in the Lake States, USA
Climate change impact on a mixed lowland oak stand in Serbia
European mixed forests: Definition and research perspectives
Eumixfor introduction: Integrating scientific knowledge in sustainable management of mixed forests
Do thinnings influence biomass and soil carbon stocks in Mediterranean maritime pinewoods?
Regional changes of Pinus pinaster site index in Spain using a climate-based dominant height model
Competition-induced mortality for Mediterranean Pinus pinaster Ait. and P. sylvestris L.
Site index curves and growth model for Mediterranean maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) in Spain
Dynamics, silviculture and management of mixed forests
Data Platforms for Mixed Forest Research: Contributions from the EuMIXFOR Network
Silviculture of Mixed Forests: A European Overview of Current Practices and Challenges
Mixed Forests¿ Future
The Role of Mixed Forests in a Changing Social-Ecological World
Characterization of Mixed Forests
Forest Carbon Sequestration: The Impact of Forest Management
Mediterranean pine forests: Management effects on carbon stocks
Mode of competition in mixed versus pure stands: does it change over time and environmental conditions?
Dalla ricerca alla pratica: l¿utilizzo dei martelloscopi per trasmettere le innovazioni della ricerca ai portatori di interesse in ambito selvicolturale