Plant Cell Nucleolus, Proliferation and Microgravity

Plant Cell Nucleolus, Proliferation and Microgravity

Plant growth in space is a necessary requirement for space exploration, with important influences in terrestrial agriculture. Gravity is an essential factor of the Earth's environment, conditioning the entire process of biological evolution, and the weightlessness existing in space produces considerable stress for plants, altering their growth and developmental patterns. With the purpose of achieving plant adaptation to space environment, we investigate alterations in cell proliferation and growth induced by changes in gravitational conditions.

Main specialization

Molecular plant/virus/vector interactions

Molecular plant/virus/vector interactions

Plant virus diseases in commercial crops seriously affect the yield and quality of the food on which we depend. The understanding at the molecular level of interactions between factors from the plant, virus and transmission vector that determine the severity of disease outbreaks is crucial to the design of biotechnology strategies that attenuate their effects. Our group studies them by a combined genomic, proteomic and functional approach.

Main specialization

Gene expression and stress

Gene expression and stress

Our group is interested in understanding the underlying metabolic processes and molecular mechanisms that control gene expression under plant stress. Our research goal is devoted to determine the molecular bases of plant-virus compatibility by identifying regulatory processes and cell components as modulators of plant susceptibility and disease during viral infections. To this aim, we exploit a number of "omic" strategies such as epigenetics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, genetics and functional genomics.

Main specialization

Cell-Biomaterial Recognition

Cell-Biomaterial Recognition

The research group "Cell-Biomaterial Recognition" investigates the interaction between certain metallic materials and the cells found in the environment of the implanted material under experimental conditions that simulate physiological conditions, mainly for its application in those situations that require repair and/or bone replacement. The biomaterials under study include metallic materials such as certain cobalt-chromium alloys and biodegradable materials based on magnesium or iron.

Main specialization

Aspergillus Cell Biology

Aspergillus Cell Biology

The group is a leader in the field of cell biology of filamentous fungi. It has the key technological advantage of decades of experience in molecular biology, classical genetics, biochemistry and 4D (x,y,z,t) in vivo microscopy. Its basic research has important implications in environmental management and in biomedicine, both for its capacity to generate non-animal disease models and for the search for antifungal targets based on cell biological knowledge.

Main specialization

Gravitation and Cosmology

Gravitation and Cosmology

Quantum Gravity and Cosmology. Loop quantization of General Relativity: Loop Quantum Gravity and Loop Quantum Cosmology. Black Hole Physics. Gravitational waves with LISA and ET. General Relativity: Canonical Quantization. Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes. Quantum geometry and multifractal geometry. Non-local Quantum Gravity. Geometric Hamiltonian formalism. Combinatorics.

Main specialization

Condensed Matter Theory

Condensed Matter Theory

Study and comprehension of fundamental and unconventional properties of strongly correlated and mesoscopic systems, through the development of new approaches to the many-body problem and the generalization of exactly soluble models for the description of exotic phases. Our research is focused on some of the most relevant lines at present within the field of condensed matter physics, such as cold atoms, graphene and topological quantum matter, which are complemented with the treatment of non-equilibrium phenomena and applications to quantum technologies.

Main specialization

Experimental Nuclear Physics

Experimental Nuclear Physics

The Experimental Nuclear Physics Group is dedicated to the study of the structure and dynamics of exotic nuclei and resonant states beyond the drip-line. The nuclei of interest are populated either in nuclear reactions at low or high energies by Coulomb excitation or transfer reactions, as well as via beta decay. We carry out our experiments at international laboratories of high prestige as ISOLDE-CERN (Switzerland), GSI (Germany), the GANIL (France), TRIUMF (Canada) and RIKEN (Japan) and complement them with studies carried out here in Madrid at the tandem accelerator of the UAM.

Main specialization

Systems devoid of long-range order

Systems devoid of long-range order

Our activity focuses into the study of systems and processes (usually of interest in Nanoscience) that do not fit within conceptual frameworks paradigmatic of the last century such as thermodynamic equilibrium, long-range order or thermodynamic limit. A characteristic aspect of the group is the complementary use in our scientific studies of neutron scattering together with cutting edge numerical techniques. From such activities naturally grew up a line focused in the development of state of the art instrumentation for neutron scattering installations.

Main specialization

Latin American studies

Latin American studies

Interdisciplinary group (History, Anthropology, Sociology, Communication Sciences, Biology) that articulates its studies on the American area from five basic lines (16th to 21st centuries): a) Knowledge, developments and institutional actors; b) State, political violence and social movements, criminality and judicialisation; c) Science and culture; d) Intellectual elites; e) Ethnohistory and culture. Trans-oceanic mobility and displacement, cross-cutting gender perspective.

Main specialization