Materials for Energy, Environment and Catalysis

Materials for Energy, Environment and Catalysis

The activity of the research group is included in one of the priority lines of INCAR in accordance with its PE2022-2025, such as the development of sustainable materials for use as electrodes and catalysts in different electrochemical systems. The group has extensive experience both in the design and production of materials with highly controlled physicochemical properties, as well as in the optimization of electrochemical devices (lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries, dual-ion batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells , electrolyzers, sensors, etc.).

Main specialization

Microwave and Carbons for Technological Applications & Manufacturing of Carbons using Additive Technologies (MCAT)

Microwave and Carbons for Technological Applications & Manufacturing of Carbons using Additive Technologies (MCAT)

The group of Microwaves and Carbons for Technological Applications and Manufacturing Carbons using Additive Technologies (MCAT) is part of the Department of Sustainable Chemical Processes at INCAr/csic. The research carried out by this group is focused on the use of microwave heating for different technological applications related to carbon materials and on the synthesis and design of carbon materials, using additive manufacturing processes (3D printing). Additionally, different applications of these materials related to energy and the environment are also investigated.

Main specialization



Pyrolys study of several carbonaceous materials. Preparation and regeneration of activated carbon and its optimization in industrial processes. Basicity of carbonaceous materials. Valorization of industrial biomass residues of different origin (obtained from the combustion of forest biomass, solid waste from vegetable tanning, the industrial production of Agar-Agar from macroalgae, various food industries, sewage sludge…). Physical and chemical activation, with special emphasis on the use of basic hydroxides and carbonates.

Main specialization

Carbon Materials Group

Carbon Materials Group

The Carbon Materials group currently comprises five staff research scientists, one post-doctoral researcher and three pre-doctoral researchers. The group boasts an extensive track record in the field of carbon materials, having developed in the last 20 years a large variety of projects, contracts with companies and actions related to the preparation, modification and application of such materials. At present, the core of the group's activity is focused on two main areas: (1) porous carbon materials and (2) graphenes and other two-dimensional (2D) materials obtained by colloidal routes.

Main specialization

Functional Porous Materials Group

Functional Porous Materials Group

The research lines of the Group are focused on the development of new synthetis strategies for porous materials including: a) porous carbons (ranging from micro-, to meso- and also macroporous carbons), b) structured inorganic oxides and c) hydrothermal carbons.

Main specialization

Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology Research Group

Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology Research Group

We aim to discover, inventory and classify biodiversity and to understand the evolutionary processes underlying animal diversification. We develop strategies and best practices for the inventory, discovery and description of biodiversity, using state-of-the-art phenotypic, genetic data and bioinformatics approaches. We apply homology-based classification techniques based on morphological, molecular and behavioral data, and develop theoretical foundations for taxonomic inference.

Main specialization

Mechanisms of adaptation to abiotic stress in plants

Mechanisms of adaptation to abiotic stress in plants

Our work is focused on the study of the role of the fibrillins (FBNs) in the protection of photosystems against abiotic stresses. FBNs are a family of chloroplastic proteins of unknown function. Some of these proteins are localized in the plastoglobules (PGs, lipo-protein bodies originated from thylakoid membranes and that remain attached to them). We aim to determine the function of those FBNs associated to PGs in different metabolic processes in the chloroplast, and specially in the defense of the photosystems against light and chilling stresses.

Main specialization

Theory and Simulation of Molecular Interactions (INTERMOL)

Theory and Simulation of Molecular Interactions (INTERMOL)

Our group steadily collaborates since 2005. We are currently involved in two National Projects, and one internationalization CSIC i-link action. We also maintain assiduous collaborations with Mexico (R. Hernández-Lamoneda) and Italy (F. Pirani).

Main specialization

Ab-initio simulations of confined molecular systems and photo-dissociation dynamics (ABINITFOT)

Ab-initio simulations of confined molecular systems and photo-dissociation dynamics (ABINITFOT)

Our research is aimed 1) at developing state-of-the-art ab-initio modelling for confined molecular systems, including: a) the stability and properties of new-generation metal and metal-oxide clusters (surface-supported and unsupported in air or solution) down to the subnanometer scale; b) quantum nuclear effects and delocalization in fluid clusters at low temperatures (e.g., helium nanodroplets) as well as quantum confinement effects in atomic and molecular clusters in nanostructures (e.g., carbon nanotubes); 2) at studying a) the dynamics of photodissociation processes in molecules and molec

Main specialization