Quantum technologies are nowadays one of the most promising technologies for the near future. They exploit quantum effects to develop new techniques in fields like cryptography, metrology, material science, pharmacology and many others, which have the potential to go far beyond the current (classical) state of the art. The group "Mathematics and Quantum Information" at ICMAT works in a wide variety of mathematical problems which are motivated by quantum technologies.

Main specialization

Food Lipid Biomarkers and Health (BLAS)

Food Lipid Biomarkers and Health (BLAS)

The group "FOOD LIPID BIOMARKERS AND HEALTH" begins its activity on January 1st, 2017, and arises from the need to initiate a new approach in the research of food lipids and its relationship with human health. Previously, all its members were part of the Lipids group. Our main objective is the development of functional foods with added value (mainly dairy products), by improving the characteristics of their lipid fraction, to cover the basic nutritional needs and the demands of consumers for healthier and safer foods.

Main specialization

Healthy Food Ingredients

Healthy Food Ingredients

Consolidated group in the UAM: one Full Professor, eight Associated Professors, 2 assistants Professor. In addition, it has international and Spanish phD students and 2 postdoctoral researchers. The group coordinates official studies (Degree on Food Science and Technology, Master in New Food and Doctorate in Food Sciences) and collaborates in other degrees (Human Nutrition and Dietetics). It takes part in relevant projects of local, national, and EU Framework Programs.It works on transfer of technology through industry-university contracts, through the UAM Foundation.

Main specialization

Technology of Advanced Sensors

Technology of Advanced Sensors

The SENSAVAN Group, integrates a Scientific Investigator, Carmen Horrillo Güemes, who was co-founder of the initial Laboratory of Sensors (1988) and later in 2009 was renamed Grupo GRIDSEN. From 1999 to 2011 she led the Group. It also has a Research Assistant and 1 a ComFuturo researcher. Lines of investigation: 1. Development of resistive sensors with micro-nano structured layers to supply noses and already developed laptops. This will consolidate the I + D line of microsensors (MOX), applying it to environmental and defense security, and food. 2.

Main specialization

Synaptic Dysfunction and Disease

Synaptic Dysfunction and Disease

In the Neurogenetics and Synaptopathies group we study autism and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) following approaches in Neurosciences and Human Genetics. We have identified a mutation in the synaptic gene neuroligin1 in AD, which inhibits its synaptogenic activity.

Main specialization

Evolutionary patterns and processes in aquatic organisms

Evolutionary patterns and processes in aquatic organisms

Our research group investigates the evolutionary mechanisms shaping aquatic ecosystems, both marine and freshwater, and aims at characterizing their biodiversity. We investigate the evolutionary history of aquatic systems, and the different processes generating biodiversity. We use taxonomical, morphological, ecological, behavioral and genetic data to understand the past and future evolutionary trajectories of the aquatic systems. We are particularly interested in the future perspectives.

Main specialization



The increasing interest in Materials Science, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology has created a serious global need for the development of nanoscopy tools in order to be able to observe and chemically analyze the synthesized nanostructures at atomic scale. Exploring the limits of physical resolution in advanced electron microscopy and understanding the ultimate behavior of materials at the nanoscale and their related properties are the central aims of my research. The newest research lines we are working in are based on single atom recognition and localization in embedded quantum structures.

Main specialization



We focus on the study of the dynamics of biological systems combing experimental, theoretical and computational tools. Our main interests are: Nonlinear regulation in pathways and its impact on disease treatment Regulation of stem cell differentiation during developmental processes Stochasticity and effect of perturbations in gene expression

Main specialization

Cancer Stem Cells and Fibroinflammatory Microenvironment Group

Cancer Stem Cells and Fibroinflammatory Microenvironment Group

Cancer stem cells (CSCs), also known as tumor-initiating cells or tumor-propagating cells, constitute a biologically unique subset of stem-like cells within the bulk tumor cell population. These cells are believed to be important in metastasis and chemoresistance, and they are hypothesized to be key drivers of the multistep process of oncogenesis, giving rise to the clonogenic core of tumor tissues. In my laboratory, we study CSCs in the context of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), the 4th leading cause of cancer related deaths in developed countries.

Main specialization