Environmental drivers of the microbiota composition of the invasive mosquito Aedes albopictus in Spain
Environmental drivers of the microbiota composition of the invasive mosquito Aedes albopictus in Spain
Deciphering the genomes of non-culturable heterotrophic protists from marine and high-mountain ecosystems
Deciphering the genomes of non-culturable heterotrophic protists from marine and high-mountain ecosystems
Investigating INosITol polyphosphates InterAcTome in the context of CO2 capturing and carbon paRtitioning
Investigating INosITol polyphosphates InterAcTome in the context of CO2 capturing and carbon paRtitioning
Deciphering the genomes of non-culturable heterotrophic protists from marine and high-mountain ecosystems
Deciphering the genomes of non-culturable heterotrophic protists from marine and high-mountain ecosystems
Octopus welfare physiology
Octopus welfare physiology
The effect of temporal variability of species interactions on the stability and functioning of ecosystems
The effect of temporal variability of species interactions on the stability and functioning of ecosystems
Genomics and Epigenomics of Autoimmune Diseases
Genomics and Epigenomics of Autoimmune Diseases
Study the genetic and epigenetic component of autoimmune diseases through multi-omics approaches to identify the molecular mechanisms driving the development of these pathologies
Main specialization
Chromosome Biology
Chromosome Biology
Main specialization