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Neustonic microplastics and zooplankton in coastal waters of Cabrera Marine Protected Area (Western Mediterranean Sea)

2022 Science of the Total Environment Volume: Initial page: - End page: -
Authors: Fagiano, V.;Alomar, C.;Compa, M.;Soto-Navarro, J.;Jordá, G.;Deudero, S.

Recovery Signals of Rhodoliths Beds since Bottom Trawling Ban in the SCI Menorca Channel (Western Mediterranean)

2022 Diversity Volume: Initial page: - End page: -
Authors: Farriols, M.T.;Irlinger, C.;Ordines, F.;Palomino, D.;Marco-Herrero, E.;Soto-Navarro, J.;Jordà, G.;Mallol, S.;Díaz, D.;Martínez-Carreño, N.;Díaz, J.A.;Fernandez-Arcaya, U.;Joher, S.;Ramírez-Amaro, S.; all

Ocean warming compresses the three-dimensional habitat of marine life

2020 Nature Ecology & Evolution Volume: Initial page: 109 End page: 114
Authors: Jorda, G.;Marbà, N.;Bennett, S.;Santana-Garcon, J.;Agusti, S.;Duarte, C.M.

Modelling study of transformations of the exchange flows along the Strait of Gibraltar

2018 Ocean Science Volume: Initial page: 1547 End page: 1566
Authors: Antonio Sánchez-Román;Gabriel Jorda;Gianmaria Sannino;Damia Gomis

Progress in Detection and Projection of Climate Change in Spain since the 2010 CLIVAR-Spain regional climate change assessment report

2017 ClivarExchanges Volume: Initial page: 1 End page: 4
Authors: Sánchez, E.;Rodríguez-Fonseca, B.;Bladé. I.;Brunet, M.;Aznar, R.;Cacho, I.;Casado, M.J.;Gimeno, L.;Gutiérrez, J.M.;Jordá, G.;Lavín, A.;López, J.A.;Jordi Salat, J.;Valero, B.

Reconstruction of transports through the Strait of Gibraltar from limited observations

2017 Climate Dynamics Volume: Initial page: 851 End page: 865
Authors: G. Jordà;A. Sánchez-Román;D. Gomis

On the ability of statistical wind-wave models to capture the variability and long-term trends of the North Atlantic winter wave climate

2016 Ocean Modelling Volume: Initial page: 177 End page: 189
Authors: Martínez-Asensio, A;Marcos M.;Tsimplis M N;Jordà G;Feng X;Gomis D

Design and validation of MEDRYS, a Mediterranean Sea reanalysis over the period 1992-2013

2016 Ocean Science Volume: Initial page: 577 End page: 599
Authors: Hamon, M.;Beuvier, J.;Somot, S.;Lellouche, J.M.;Greiner, E.;Jordà, G.;Bouin, M.N.;Arsouze, T.;Béranger, K.;Sevault, F.;Dubois, C.;Drevillon, M.;Drillet, Y.

Regional marine climate scenarios in the NE Atlantic sector close to the Spanish shores

2016 Scientia Marina Volume: Initial page: 215 End page: 234
Authors: Gomis, D.;Álvarez-Fanjul, E.;Jordà, G.;Marcos, M.;Aznar, R.;Rodríguez-Camino, E.;Sánchez-Perrino, J.C.;Rodríguez-González, J.M.;Martínez-Asensio, A.;Llasses, J.;Pérez, B.;Sotillo, M.G.

Evidences of Impacts of Climate Change on Mediterranean Biota

2016 FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE Volume: Initial page: 3 End page: 3
Authors: Marbà N;Jordà G;Agustí S;Duarte CM

Mediterranean circulation perturbations over the last five centuries: Relevance to past Eastern Mediterranean Transient-type events

2016 Scientific Reports Volume: Initial page: - End page: -
Authors: Incarbona, A.;Martrat, B.;Mortyn, P.G.;Sprovieri, M.;Ziveri, P.;Gogou, A.;Jordà, G.;Xoplaki, E.;Luterbacher, J.;Langone, L.;Marino, G.;Rodríguez-Sanz, L.;Triantaphyllou, M.;Di Stefano, E.;Grimalt, all

Response of the North Atlantic wave climate to atmospheric modes of variability

2016 International Journal of Climatology Volume: Initial page: 1210 End page: 1225
Authors: Martínez-Asensio, A.;Tsimplis, M.N.;Marcos, M.;Feng, X.;Gomis, D.;Jordà, G.;Josey, S.A.

Footprints of climate change on Mediterranean Sea biota

2015 FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE Volume: Initial page: - End page: -
Authors: Marbà, N.;Jordà, G.;Agustí, S.;Girard, C.;Duarte, C.M.

Skills of different hydrographic networks in capturing changes in the Mediterranean Sea at climate scales

2015 Climate Research Volume: Initial page: 1 End page: 18
Authors: Llasses, J.;Jordà, G.;Gomis, D.

Spatial and temporal variations of the seasonal sea level cycle in the northwest Pacific

2015 Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans Volume: Initial page: 7091 End page: 7112
Authors: Feng, X.;Tsimplis, M.N.;Marcos, M.;Calafat, F.M.;Zheng, J.;Jordà, G.;Cipollini, P.

Detection time for global and regional sea level trends and accelerations

2014 Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans Volume: Initial page: 7164 End page: 7174
Authors: Jordà, G.

Impact of the atmospheric climate modes on Mediterranean sea level variability

2014 Global and Planetary Change Volume: Initial page: 1 End page: 15
Authors: Martínez-Asensio, A.;Marcos, M.;Tsimplis, M.N.;Gomis, D.;Josey, S.;Jordà, G.

Where and when will they go fishing? Understanding fishing site and time choice in a recreational squid fishery

2014 ICES Journal of Marine Science Volume: Initial page: 1760 End page: 1773
Authors: Cabanellas-Reboredo, M.;Alós, J.;March, D.;Palmer, M.;Jordà, G.;Palmer, M.

Detection time of global and regional sea level trends and accelerations

2014 Journal of Geophysical Research Volume: Initial page: 7164 End page: 7174
Authors: Jorda, G.

Surface water renewal and mixing mechanisms in a semi-enclosed microtidal domain. The Barcelona harbour case

2014 Journal of Sea Research Volume: Initial page: 54 End page: 63
Authors: Grifoll, M.;Jordà, G.;Espino, M.

The ability of a barotropic model to simulate sea level extremes of meteorological origin in the Mediterranean Sea, including those caused by explosive cyclones

2014 Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans Volume: Initial page: 7840 End page: 7853
Authors: Calafat, F.M.;Avgoustoglou, E.;Jordà, G.;Flocas, H.;Zodiatis, G.;Tsimplis, M.N.;Kouroutzoglou, J.

Reliability of the steric and mass components of Mediterranean sea level as estimated from hydrographic gridded products

2013 Geophysical Research Letteres Volume: Initial page: 3655 End page: 3660
Authors: Jordà, G.;Gomis, D.

Boat anchoring impacts coastal populations of the pen shell, The largest bivalve in the Mediterranean

2013 Biological Conservation Volume: Initial page: 105 End page: 113
Authors: Hendriks, I.E.;Tenan, S.;Tavecchia, G.;Marbà, N.;Jordà, G.;Deudero, S.;Álvarez, E.;Duarte, C.M.

Deep flow variability in a deeply incised Mediterranean submarine valley (Blanes canyon)

2013 Progress in Oceanography Volume: Initial page: 47 End page: 60
Authors: Jorda, G.;Flexas, M.M.;Espino, M.;Calafat, A.

The effect of the NAO on sea level and on mass changes in the Mediterranean Sea

2013 Journal of Geophysical Research Volume: Initial page: 944 End page: 952
Authors: Tsimplis, M.N.;Calafat, F.M.;Marcos, M.;Jordà, G.;Gomis, D.;Fenoglio-Marc, L.;Struglia, M.V.;Josey, S.A.;Chambers, D.P.

Calibration of a new wind-wave hindcast in the Western Mediterranean

2013 Journal of Marine Systems Volume: Initial page: 1 End page: 10
Authors: Martínez-Asensio, A.;Marcos, M.;Jordà, G.;Gomis, D.

Climate warming and Mediterranean seagrass

2013 Nature Climate Change Volume: Initial page: 3 End page: 4
Authors: Jordà, G.;Marbà, N.;Duarte, C.M.

On the interpretation of the steric and mass components of sea level variability: The case of the Mediterranean basin

2013 Journal of Geophysical Research Volume: Initial page: 953 End page: 963
Authors: Jordà, G.;Gomis, D.

Water mass pathways and transports over the South Scotia Ridge west of 50°W

2012 Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers Volume: Initial page: 8 End page: 24
Authors: Palmer, M. ; Gomis, D. ; Flexas, M.D.M. ; Jordà, G. ; Jullion, L. ; Tsubouchi, T. ; Naveira Garabato, A.C.

Temperature Dependence of Oxygen Dynamics and Community Metabolism in a Shallow Mediterranean Macroalgal Meadow (Caulerpa prolifera)

2012 Estuaries and Coasts Volume: Initial page: 1182 End page: 1192
Authors: Vaquer-Sunyer, R.;Duarte, C.M.;Jordà, G.;Ruiz-Halpern, S.

Water circulation forecasting in Spanish harbours | Predicción de la circulación marina en los puertos Españoles

2012 Scientia Marina Volume: Initial page: 45 End page: 61
Authors: Grifoll, M.;Jordà, G.;Sotillo, M.G.;Ferrer, L.;Espino, M.;Sánchez-Arcilla, A.;Álvarez-Fanjul, E.

Mediterranean seagrass vulnerable to regional climate warming

2012 Nature Climate Change Volume: Initial page: 821 End page: 824
Authors: Jordà, G.;Marbà, N.;Duarte, C.M.

Comment on "Storm surge frequency reduction in Venice under climate change" by Troccoli et al.

2012 Climatic Change Volume: Initial page: 1081 End page: 1087
Authors: Jordà, G.;Gomis, D.;Marcos, M.

Atmospheric contribution to Mediterranean and nearby Atlantic sea level variability under different climate change scenarios

2012 Global and Planetary Change Volume: Initial page: 198 End page: 214
Authors: Jordà, G. ; Gomis, D. ; Álvarez-Fanjul, E. ; Somot, S.

Effect of sea level extremes on the western Basque coast during the 21st century

2012 Climate Research Volume: Initial page: 237 End page: 248
Authors: Marcos, M.;Chust, G.;Jordà, G.;Caballero, A.

Mediterranean Sea level forced by atmospheric pressure and wind: Variability of the present climate and future projections for several period bands

2012 Global and Planetary Change Volume: Initial page: 20 End page: 30
Authors: Sepic, J.;Vilibic, I.;Jordà, G.;Marcos, M.

Changes in storm surges in southern Europe from a regional model under climate change scenarios

2011 Global and Planetary Change Volume: Initial page: 116 End page: 128
Authors: Marcos, M. ; Jordà, G. ; Gomis, D. ; Pérez, B.

A Mediterranean sea level reconstruction (1950-2008) with error budget estimates

2011 Global and Planetary Change Volume: Initial page: 118 End page: 133
Authors: Calafat, F.M. ; Jordà, G.

Connections between hydrodynamics, benthic landscape and associated fauna in the Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean

2011 Continental Shelf Research Volume: Initial page: 1835 End page: 1844
Authors: Ordines, F. ; Jordà, G. ; Quetglas, A. ; Flexas, M. ; Moranta, J. ; Massutí, E.

The SMOS L3 mapping algorithm for sea surface salinity

2011 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Volume: Initial page: 1032 End page: 1051
Authors: Jordà, G. ; Gomis, D. ; Talone, M.

A management system for accidental water pollution risk in a harbour: The Barcelona case study

2011 Journal of Marine Systems Volume: Initial page: 60 End page: 73
Authors: Grifoll, M. ; Jordà, G. ; Espino, M. ; Romo, J. ; García-Sotillo, M.

Characterization of error dynamics in a 3D coastal model of the Catalan sea using stochastic modelling

2010 Continental Shelf Research Volume: Initial page: 419 End page: 441
Authors: Jordà, G. ; De Mey, P.

Accuracy of SMOS Level 3 SSS products related to observational errors

2010 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Volume: Initial page: 1694 End page: 1701
Authors: Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.; all

Toward SMOS L4 SSS products: Improving L3 SSS with auxiliary SSS data

2010 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Volume: Initial page: 2204 End page: 2214
Authors: Jordà, G.; Gomis, D.

Origin and dynamics of mesoscale eddies in the Catalan Sea (NW Mediterranean): Insight from a numerical model study

2009 Journal of Geophysical Research Volume: Initial page: null End page: -
Authors: Rubio, A. ; Barnier, B. ; Jordà, G. ; Espino, M. ; Marsaleix, P.

Estimating geostrophic and total velocities from CTD and ADCP data: Intercomparison of different methods

2009 Journal of Marine Systems Volume: Initial page: 61 End page: 76
Authors: Rubio, A. ; Gomis, D. ; Jordà, G. ; Espino, M.

The XIOM: 20 years of a regional coastal observatory in the Spanish Catalan coast

2009 Journal of Marine Systems Volume: Initial page: 237 End page: 260
Authors: Bolaños, R.;Jorda, G.;Cateura, J.;Lopez, J.;Puigdefabregas, J.;Gomez, J.;Espino, M.

Relationship between environment and the occurrence of the deep-water rose shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) in the Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean)

2009 Progress in Oceanography Volume: Initial page: 227 End page: 238
Authors: Sardà, F.;Company, J.B.;Bahamón, N.;Rotllant, G.;Flexas, M.M.;Sánchez, J.D.;Zúñiga, D.;Coenjaerts, J.;Orellana, D.;Jordà, G.;Puigdefábregas, J.;Sánchez-Vidal, A.;Calafat, A.;Martín, D.;Espino, all

Particle fluxes dynamics in Blanes submarine canyon (Northwestern Mediterranean)

2009 Progress in Oceanography Volume: Initial page: 239 End page: 251
Authors: Zúñiga, D.;Flexas, M.M.;Sanchez-Vidal, A.;Coenjaerts, J.;Calafat, A.;Jordà, G.;García-Orellana, J.;Puigdefàbregas, J.;Canals, M.;Espino, M.;Sardà, F.;Company, J.B.

Circulation, particle fluxes and meiobenthos density in Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean)

2007 Geophysical Research Abstracts Volume: Initial page: 04607 End page: -
Authors: Flexas, M.M.;Zúñiga, D.;Coenjaerts, J.;Company, J.B.;Sánchez, J.;Martin, Daniel;Calafat, A.;Espino, M.;Jordà, G.;Sardà, F.

Assessment of the importance of the current-wave coupling in the shelf ocean forecasts

2007 Ocean Science Volume: Initial page: 345 End page: 362
Authors: Jordà, G. ; Bolaños, R. ; Espino, M. ; Sánchez-Arcilla, A.

Assessment of the importance of the current-wave coupling in the shelf ocean forecasts

2006 Ocean Science Discussions Volume: Initial page: 1825 End page: 1870
Authors: Jordà, G. ; Bolaños, R. ; Espino, M. ; Sánchez-Arcilla, A.

A field study of the behaviour of an anticyclonic eddy on the Catalan continental shelf (NW Mediterranean)

2005 Progress in Oceanography Volume: Initial page: 142 End page: 156
Authors: Rubio, A. ; Arnau, P.A. ; Espino, M. ; Del Mar Flexas, M. ; Jordà, G. ; Salat, J. ; Puigdefàbregas, J. ; Arcilla, A.S.

ISBN: 978-0-12-416042-2
Editorial: ELSEVIER
Book: The climate of the Mediterranean region: From the past to the future
Initial page: 449 | End page: 500
Authors: Planton, S; Lionello P.: Artale, V; Aznar, R; Carillo, A; Colin, J; Congedi, L.; Dubois, C; Elizalde, A; Gualdi, S; Hertig, E; Jacobeit, D; Jordà G; Li, L; Mariotti, A; Piani, C; Ruti, P; all