Mostrando resultados 50071 - 50080 de 50127.

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The objective of this project is to help efforts to develop new sustainable and environmentally friendly biotechnological strategies for improving…
El proyecto INDICiOS es una iniciativa revolucionaria que busca transformar nuestra comprensión de la biodiversidad marina. A través de la…
4-year PhD contract as part of the project HISTORIC GYPSUM PLASTERWORK – LEARNING FROM THE PAST (GYPS) financed by the Spanish Ministry of…
Se ofrece un contrato para realizar la Tesis Doctoral dentro del proyecto “Valorización de dióxido de carbono con hidrogeno verde produciendo…
The project aims to advance the understanding of prediction policy problems. This research will explore the potential of AI-driven methods for dual…
Plants shape earth landscape, are the basis of trophic chains and sustain animal life. As photo-autotrophic organisms, plants developed diverse and…
Se oferta un contrato predoctoral para realización de la tesis doctoral incluyendo un completo plan de formación enmarcado en el proyecto "…
The PhD candidate will develop a research project in one of these three topics: 1) - Electroweak symmetry breaking and extensions of the Standard…
The project aims to advance the understanding of prediction policy problems. This research will explore the potential of AI-driven methods for dual…
España es el país europeo con mayores niveles de biodiversidad en ecosistemas agrícolas. Los cultivos herbáceos de secano han acogido…