Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas


Science 4 policy


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Events Calendar

Curso De 23-01-2024 al 12-07-2025

Abierto el plazo de inscripción al Máster semipresencial de Arboricultura y Gestión del Bosque Urbano

Modalidad semipresencial (Madrid)

Certamen De 01-07-2024 al 15-09-2024

'Mil palabras': II Certamen de Microrrelatos Simurg

Participación online

Congreso De 17-05-2024 al 28-09-2024

La UPM y el CSIC abren el novedoso 'Máster en planeamiento alimentario sostenible: un enfoque desde la agroecología'

Preinscripciones hasta el 15 de septiembre (Madrid)

Institutional Agenda


More information

If you are interested in knowing the most interesting aspects of the CSIC, you can find them in the links below.

Additional information

Santiago Ramón y Cajal

Corporate Information

The Cajal Legacy

The Cajal Legacy is comprised of belongings of Santiago Ramón y Cajal, most of them scientific, that were transferred to the Institute after his death in accordance with his will.

Discover the legacy



¿Qué sabemos de...?

This collection aims to bring to a wide audience the state of the art of key topics of scientific research through short and affordable texts prepared by CSIC scientist.

Explore the collection

Residencia investigadores


CSIC Researchers Residences

The CSIC has a series of residences (or is part of the entities that manage them) that support the scientific community during their stays in cities like Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Rome.

Discover the infraestructures

Museo y espacio

Science and Society

Museums and Scientific Outreach Venues

The CSIC has various centres of reference for science outreach located in the main Spanish cities. Exhibitions, workshops, conferences and other activities aimed at all publics are part of the regular programming in these places.

Find your musseum